Where to find Beauty

 In the Pleasure of Allah

If anyone wants real beauty then he should seek Allah's Pleasure. You might ask, "well, how do you do that?" There's many ways to seek Allah's Pleasure, but the best way is through his book. The noble Qur'an. Sounds simple right? It is. So how does that work? How does this happen? I don't know but it happens. When it comes to the Qur'an you can do many things with it. There's the reading of it, Memmorizing of it, and the Implementing its commands. All of them add to your beauty both inward and outward. 
Reading and Memmorizing it:

You want flawless skin with little or no blemishes? Try to read it completely in one month every month. Not only does it keep your face fresh and smooth, but it keeps your heart clean. Our hearts rust, so we need a polisher and two things polish the hearts, the remembrance of death, and the Quran. So do it. Allah puts noor on a person's face when they constanty engage in his book. This noor is a light, an attractive light that can distinguish, literally a reader from a non reader. You can put a reader of Qur'an beside a non reader of Qur'an. Now imagine the reader has no makeup on. The non reader has makeup on. Now lets put them beside each other. Now look at their faces. You will see that the makeup-less reader looks radiant and the non reader does not look radiant. One's looks alive, the other's skin looks dead in comparison  The makeup did not help the nonreader the least bit in comparison to someone with noor. And this noor is very attractive. Because the person entire face glows. Everything is enhanced.
      For better results, memmorize Qur'an. Memmorizing will give you more recognizable beauty. To the the extent that people may admit to you that they just cant look you in the face anymore. Cuz your just that beautiful. Im serious. For these results, you don't need to memmorize all too much, Juz Amma would help in the looks department. But do it for Allah, not just to look awesome. Another requirement for drop dead gorgeous looks. READ AT FAJR. Its not the same as reading at duhur of asr. Maghrib is also a good time. But make sure to read it Fajr because its the time when it is witnessed. So we know there is spiritual aspect of Beauty. But what about the nutritional part of it and the element of exercise?  Yes they also help you. The thing is, is that when you deeply engage in Allah's book, you are guided to eating and living healthier. The Qur'an guides us to what will give us life. You'll see somehow you'll be eating lentils (which is soo good for your skin) instead of other things and you'll be excersing and all that stuff that is beneficial to you. And you'll even be more attractive than ever.

Implementing its teaching

So besides reading it, you can act upon its commandments that will add more to your looks. 

1) Qiyaamul Layl

A highly reccommended Sunnah. Difficult for most, but soo worth it. This amazing prayer helps you physically and spiritually. Have you looked upon someone's face that just finished their Qiyaam. Allaahu Akbar. Just gorgeous. Even the pious predecessors used to wonder.

Al-Hasan was asked, “Why do the mutahajjadeen (those who pray Qiyaam at night) have the most beautiful faces?” He said, “Because they spend time alone with the Most Merciful, so He adorns them with some of His light.” 

Which is very true, who else can give you beauty? Real Beauty I mean. Remember the story of Musa who spent sometime conversing with Allah and then when he came back his face was so bright you could go blind from it? This was from Allah's Light that was upon his face. And when you converse with Allah, alone, at night, its nothing but an intimate conversation. Its almost like the same thing, but your not standing 40 nights straight though.
   Not only does Qiyaam beautify your outward appearance but it also makes you healthy too, In hadith it mentions about Qiyaam “.. it repels sickness from the body.” 
Beauty and health go hand in hand. Because beauty is a sign of good health. So Qiyaam givs you both.

   But with all of this mind, what is the good of bieng physically beuatiful if we dont have good character. Looking great brings people closer to you, but when they come to you hoping for some good, what do you give them, an attitude that would make them avoid you? Beauty draws people, but that doesn't mean they'll stay. If we have good character, they'll get what they came for.
    Qiyamul Layl is great at that because it governs that which could possibly drive people away-our uncontrollable nafs. Qiyaam straightens us out. From what I learned, praying at night really helps you with your relationship with the people. I don't know how it works but you can really get along with those difficult people you normally couldnt bear. But watch out, when you abandon this sunnah, you'll get into trouble and nothing you do can satisfy anyone. Qiyaamul layl gives you all that you need to deal with people. Like emotional strength, so you wont get upset if someone said this or that to you. It gives you patience. It gives you a great attitude, a nice aura about you. People just wanna get next to you.
It gives you contentment with even a little so you dont have to be annoying and ask others for things.  Its gives you stability. So you can get along people and they can get along with you. Equaling to good relationships. And this comes from having good character. So you can see that following Allah's commands gives you all that you need, physical beauty, Good character and everything else. 

  We can spend dollars to look beautiful or attractive. But the fact of the matter is that beauty is not bought, it is gifted upon a person from Allah. So if we want his Beauty, all we can do is ask, and he'll guide us to what will make us beautiful. 


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