Ramadan 2013: What I learned: Part 3


 There is something greater than us. Happening around us. We are not the most important thing on earth. There is a world outside of our desires, outside of what we want and need. A Universe is being watched for us. Gaurded so the heavens don't fall upon us.

  Everyday were plunged into darkness with no one among us to bring the sun back. We are all stuck in the darkness with no power to bring back light. Who is controlling the sun? Allah.
 It is the light that we need to be able to see. Without it we stumble helplessly, desperately searching for the way. Our weakness is then exposed. Our need to be directed, guided, is evident. Is that not a sign? We need light to find the way. And Allah show us this sign. In the alternation of night and day. It is he that guides whomever he wishes to that light. And it is he that guides to the straight way. So it is he that we must ask for this guidance. And it is Allah on whom we rely.

The Majesty of Allah can be seen through his creation. The moon, held above us on a lunar night with it gorgeous light. The sun, at its peak of brightness, the stars with its glistening light. All these point to us Allah's supreme power. The all have some form of light that show us that from Allah does all light come from. It is Allah who is deserving of praise, deserving of our love,  and deserving of our remembrance. Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alaamiin.

I have to come to learn that without Qiyaam, none of these signs would have made sense to me the way they have at 3 am. Night time is the time to reflect, quiet contemplative time for you to think and ponder over the beauty of moon, the stars, the heavens. A time for you to have intimate communication with Allah Azza wa Jal, who comes down in the manner that suits his majesty, to give to whomever asks. It is the time for you to talk to Allah, the most gracious. Qur'an has meaning to you at this time, you can feel the verses, you can feel spirituality. You might even feel heavenly bliss, a taste of something divine. That you wish wont leave you, but its does, sadly enough.

*Ive learned that there is something greater happening around us*


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