Benefits of Polygamy


  Its natural for women to become jealous when there's another woman in the picture. I mean she must be the centre of your heart. No one else can have that spot but her. Totally understandable. But sometimes we forget that he is a human being. And as a humans, he can love many things, not just one. He can choose whatever he likes. Because we are married to him, it does not mean we own him or have total power over him. We are just in his care and responsibility.
   There may be benefits for a woman who's husband is married to another woman. She gets more time to herself, to spend with friends and family.  If he has young children, then there's cute children to have fun with. The two women can give each other emotional support and help each other out when needed.  I see no problem for a man who has children to marry again. If he's able to support both of them, why not?
    He'd be doing good for the world because he'd be protecting the girl from the evils of society. And there is alot of evil out there. The problem lies with the society. Its accepts the most inhumane of things, but shuns the best of things. Why? Because those things are not in accordance to their desires. That's why they shun those perfectly okay things, like polygamy in marriage, wearing the veil, and all those things that is supposed to make society a healthier place to live in. So its important not to follow what the majority of people deisre.
   Its noble to see a man who is willing to take a woman into his protective shelter despite all the negative responses he may get from the people. Its noble to see a man marry a woman not because he is out to fulfill his desires, but rather to take her as a wife, desiring chastity and guarding her from the evils of the outside world by providing for her the basics, like a separate home for him and her. He doesn't have to spend grandly. It could be a one room apartment, or something. So long as he is willing to support her.
   I encourage all the sisters to give their husbands some freedom. Let him do what he wants, let him go wherever he wants, let him come home anytime he wants, let him leave anytime he wants. And let him marry whomever he wants, however many he wants. He needs his freedom. So let him have it. Im sure he'd appreciate you more if you did just that. May Allah make it easy for us

Barakallah Feekum
Wasalaamu alaykum


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