As-Salaat: Our Success
Fajr Prayer
When you miss it
You will see how important this prayer is on the day you miss it. Lets say your a person that rarely misses and one day you miss it. And you don't make Tawbah. You relationships with the people crumble. Why? Because you dont have patience for anyone and whatever negative thing someone says really offends you. Then you say a few words and your not talking to each other for a few days. Everything to you is just "ugh". Not only that but now you feel an emptiness inside of you, and unsatisfying feeling in you. And you try to all these spiritual things to fill it but it just doesn't do it. Not to mention your face with the usual noor in it becomes a face that is just dead and dark, dusty dark, the kind with no light (not literally dark). Your not in the mood for anything. Anyone who sees you knows your not in the mood for anything. Even if you are a, your facial expression says otherwise. Its gives a kind of "leave me alone..what do you want" kind of look. Oh yeah and flies might be your friends too. There is a hadith about a person who misses fajr, shaytaan urinates in his ear. And he wakes up with a bad smell. So perhaps the flies can smell that smell of yours. The day for you is a day you want to end. Because there is no spiritual satisfaction, forget trying to help people, you'll also find those simple tasks very hard to do.
Fajr Prayer
When you make it
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