Patience in Tough Times

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

قال رسول الله (صلى الله عليه و سلم): أتي على الناس زمان القابض على دينه كالقابض على الجمر

The Messenger of Allaah (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said: There will come a time when holding on to your Eemaan (belief) will be like holding on to hot coals {Tirmidhi}

   Im afraid these times are now, and things only become more difficult as the days go on. Anyone doing what he can to preserve his deen is looked down upon, seen as weird, even socially outcast at times. How is that when a woman or man who chooses to follow the teachings of Islam correctly become abandoned and frowned upon? Are we all chasing the dunya? Has reputation and wealth become our gods?     
   What do you think of a woman who covers her face and body to protect herself from the eyes of strange men. To keep herself covered except to those who deserve to see her? In doing so, she has put her trust in Allah. Most people would think, "Well... how are you going to get married when nobody sees you?" Isnt the fact that Allah sees enough? As if the world is run only by human beings. Its not. But they dont know that. 
   They think, "How are you going to get a job, with what your wearing?" But isn't Allah the provider? Regardless if were clothed or not our sustenance has already been recorded from the day we were born, and we wont get less that what we were destined to. But they don't know that.
Go out and work they say, without taking into account the risks of spiritual deprivation. Mixing doesn't matter, neither does missing your prayers, or dressing to fit their requirements. So long as your making dollars. But how will those dollars help you when there's no emaan left inside of you. If your not meeting up to those standards, there's others places for you to live, is what they suggest.
   They want the women out of their homes to pursue dignity and honour.  Dont they know that 
to Allah belongs all honour And he bestows it upon the believers. Pursing a career does not bring you honor if your seeking it in a way that would displease Allah. Allah commands the wives of rasulallah, our mothers and role models to:

"And stay in your houses....." (Ahzaab)

   What is more honorable then applying this in our life. But now there's pressures from all sides to go out. Freedom is out, the life is outside. Respect lies beyond your front door. Dignity is there. Which is actually not the case.  The home is where we are protected from the evil of what happening outside, it is our haven. The home is where we can get the closest to Allah. 

At her home, she is the closest (to the face) of her Lord.”

Now that is an honor. Anything else is false hope and delusion. But they dont want you to know that.

  When things get tough and there is pressure for you to change the only thing you can do is seek Allah's help with the difficulties of patience and prayer. And they are difficult, let me tell you. So ask Allah to make it easy for you. If you want a way out of difficulty  some type of rescue, put your trust in Allah, and be patient.

“O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient.” (Qur’an, 2:153)


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