The Coolness of My Eyes

Alhamdulillah, I live in a family of nine. Masha Allah is what anyone would say. I always wanted my future spouse and children to be the coolness of my eyes. But what about my current family? Can they be the coolness of my eyes too? So I thought and figured, hey why not, I'll just make dua. So I made dua, and perhaps my dua was accepted.
  Last night one my sisters (and the ones Im taking about are all younger than me) felt inspired to make some changes in this month. And she called my other sister to discuss what needs to be changed. I was praying, but the amount of enthusiasm she had really distracted me, and I was more interested in what they were saying then what I was reading. I was soo impressed. My sister is young, and that was what made it all the more Masha Allah. So them having their meeting in the kitchen and discussing what they did so far in this month and what needs to be improved and their honesty as to their efforts were impressive to me. I just listened. What really caught my attention was how one of them described Ramadan, a charger for us. She's like, "were like an ipad that needs to be charged once a year." And Im thinking, "Yeah! That's it!" The month of Ramadan is what will recharge our emaan and spirituality for the year that comes after. She mentioned how Ramadan is a way to fix the next year for us. If we do our best in this month, the year to come will be the best, but if we mess up, we mess up our whole year. This is how get the next year set for us. I totally agreed. My God, they were so into their plans that I had to tell them to keep it down, because it just sounded so exciting, that I couldn't concentrate in my prayers. I just couldnt.
  I was sooo happy to see them take initiative. To take the deen soo seriously. Is this how parents feel when their child does good things? Im just their older sister, so I don't know, but I was really touched. Another great thing they wanted to do was recite Qur'an after fajr, like when they were done, they'd all get together in one room and each person would recite Qur'an while the rest would listen. That was cool. But what was cooler was when the time came for fajr, they told my brother to tell me to join them. Which was soo cute! I was gonna do my own personal reading, but I couldnt let this opportunity go to waste. So I went upstairs and my sisters are there. Most of them already recited, so I recited Taha, you know the way Qari Mishary does it. One of my sister, that's her favorite reciter, so she's like, do it the way he does. Im like, kay. So I recite feeling a little nervous cuz they're all listening. So when I was done, and I think this is the part that really impressed  me, was One of them says, "Can you tell us a little about the surah that you read?" I was soo happy to hear that they were actually interested in what the message meant. So Im like "hey, why not"? So I give them a brief intro of the story of Musa  and his mission to Fir'awn.
My mother called one of them for something while I was reciting, and I could see her anticipation to get back to listening to the recitation. Just the eagerness to stay so the recitation could be finished. I wanted to stay longer with them but I had to finish my other tasks.
  I thought later to myself, Is this what the coolness of the eyes is? From my immediate family? Perhaps because their efforts and eagerness to do their best this month really made me feel so soft on the inside. It increased my love for them and increased my appreciation for them. And this made me become closer to them. And I really loved it. I told them keep it up, that I could see great things coming out of this, and seeing all their smiling faces looking up at me with noor just made me happy. I don't know even know if happy is the word to describe it, but it was beautiful. I really hope they are the coolness of my eyes, and that Im the coolness of their eyes too.

Barakallaah Feekum


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