Ideas on Marriage



Its a deam most girls have of finding the right one that will sweep them off their feet, the knight in shining armor battling foes in the darkness-you get the picture. She's looking for her hero. The strong one. A man who is willing to protect her, love her and take care of her. Even in this corrupted society that dream still exist despite the evil of whats going on. But who will rise to the occasion? 

Women love men that are confident, strong, and at the same time soft, meaning sensitive to her feelings. Like the personality of Umar Ibn Alkhattab. He was a warrior outside and the people respected him, but at home, his children would ride on his back and he'd take the heat from his wife. Whats annoying is when men act like women. No. This should never happen. If a man wants a woman's attention he should be as manly as possible.

So lets say you've found the person you want to be with. Alhamdulilah. Now you talk dowry.  It should be a small amount. I am fully against lavish weddings and massive maher. You know some women demand some serious amount. Or her father somehow gets in and demands 50, 000 dollars? 
This is unnecessary.  A figure between 1,000-2,000 is  more reasonable. But hey, if your feeling generous, go all out. 

For those who are in financial difficulty, even they shouldn't be discouraged from marrying because it is Allah who will enrich them.

Allah says, "If they be poor, Allaah will enrich them out his bounty. (Surah Noor 24:32)

Its the intention of why you want to get married thats important. If its a noble one, Allah will help you. So those who want to get married but find difficulty should make dua, and do Istikhara and then do whatever they can to make it work.

Barakallaahu Feekum


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