The look of Love

One of the most precious gifts Allah has given us. Our eyes. You will never know the real blessing of these two things unless you lose them. Allah has gifted us with them. We use them to see. To see the straight path, to see the crooked path. We can use them to bring others joy or sadness.
  The eyes can leave a powerful impression on someone. Its a way for us to communicate, sometimes words arent even necessary when you use your eyes right. They can be used to show love for someone. The amount of time determines that. Hold your gaze for a while on your beloved and it communicates intense interest. Turn your eyes abruptly from them and its like a slap to the face. Especially if they depend on you emotionally. So use our eyes carefully.
  If you ever want to compliment your wife, look at her. I dont meant quickly glance at her and then look away. No. I mean when she enters upon you look up and look into her eyes, and hold it. Hold it untill she looks away. Might be a little awkward if you cant stand her, but give it a try. Women love to be admired, to be seen, to be acknowledged, especially by the ones she loves. So if you can do that your already scoring points with her. Its true. We all heard the phrase, "The look of Love.."
  Use it for those who are permissible for you. Not for strangers. Shaytaan loves to take advantage of our weaknesses. He loves that we should use these eyes on people who dont deserve to have our glance. And then thats were all the evil starts. A glance. You know how it goes. And Allah warns us about this and commands us:

"Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze" (Surah Noor)

 Same applies for women. And it does increase in purity for both genders. Because think of it like this. When you see something you want, you heart get affected. No more will you have the desire for Allah and his good pleasure, it'll be that thing instead. And what makes a heart pure is the love for Allah and his messenger in it. So when you desire something else no more is that heart pure. And your whole ibaadah is affected. You cant pray properly cuz your mind is on that someone, or something else. Your nights are restless. Your mission in life is all of a sudden gone. You dont know anything anymore because your heart is not in the right place.

But if you lowered you gaze then you'd feel content, not needing anything but Allah's good pleasure. Your ibaadah is set. And that is because you heart is not sick, its pure.
  So the eyes are the windows to our hearts. Do not expose your hearts to sickness from what your eyes look at. Gaurding the eyes means gaurding the heart. And that means the protection of our ibaadah.


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