How to be an Awesome Husband: Part 1

Typically this is what women want from thier husbands and if they can do that I dont know what more women can want.

1) Quality Time

 We all love to have someone sit down and talk to us. Ask us how are our day was, you know, have someone show interest in us and show some concern for us. We like to express our feelings and also have someone listen to us. Who doesnt like to be heard. Quality time is time to talk about us. To share our hopes and dreams. To just chill.

2) Compliments

This ones a keeper. My God, do you know what one nice word to your wife can do for her.. Better that than what dollars can do. She might be on cloud nine for a bit. When I mean compliment I mean something like this.  "Love, you look beautiful.." Even if she doesn't quite cut it, she would appreciate that. Who knows, maybe you made her day and now she might make your day. We love to receive admiration, anything that will make us feel beautiful. Even if you were broke, that wouldn't matter so long as you continue to shower her with beautiful words. Tone is also very important. Speak in a nice way to her. 

3) Avid Attention

This one's gold. Make sure she is, or atleast pretend that she is the most important thing in the world to you. Business appointments, meetings, everything else can wait when your with her. Or atleast make sure that's the impression she gets when your with her her. Your boss is on the line? Send him to voicemail. She'll fall in love with you all over again if you can pull that off. Women somehow have to feel like they are the most important thing to you. They must have your attention. I mean why else would they dress up and have the love to look stunning all the time? So stunning that no man can turn his eye away. So make her feel special. 

Tips: when your talking to her, don't give her your back, turn your body fully towards her and don't move your eyes from her, ESPECIALLY if shes taking to you. Wait till she's done, then you may turn your eyes away. If your watching or reading something, put it down. There is nothing more disrespectful than someone looking at something esle when someone is talking to them. If shes talking to you and someone else is addressing you at the same time, some friend of yours, do not pay them any attention until you and her have discussed what needs to be discussed. She might have a grudge against you for a very long time if you cut her off to talk to that friend of yours.

4) Help out at Home

We all like to have someone work with us, give us a helping hand when things get tough. Some dishes here and there. Just do something. This would definitely cause her to love you more because of your helping out.

5) Give her Gifts!!!

If you want to survive her rollercoaster of emotions give her gifts. Not once a year. As often as you can. Anything that shows you are thinking about her. It could be a:
1) letter, a romantic letter. This is the best because everything else wears out but a good word can live in her mind forever. Tell her how much you love her. Tell her shes the only one in your heart..stuff like that.
2) Chocolate. Enough said.
3) Jewelery. Thats Awesome Stuff
4) Feminine Clothes: dresses etc. ( make sure you know her size) Get her anything youèd want to see her in, I mean she should be only dressing up for you.
5) Perfume: What you would both like

6) Flowers. Especially when shes not feeling well.

We might like the gifts the most :)


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