The wonders Qur'an does for us

My personal Experience with reading Quran

Last Ramadan I was inspired to read the entire Qur'an in the span on 30 days. I dont know where this idea came from or what drove me but I just got the urge to do so. So I set my mind to it and did it. Alhamdulillah. Now before that I never really read that much Quran. I was struggling just to read a few pages years ago. And it was very hard for me to continue it. I fell in love with albaqarah a few years before that but never went too far with it and back then I didnt make Qur'an a priority in my life. I always thought if I do I do my prayers then I dont need to read it. How wrong was I. Now I can see those thoughts were from shaytaan. Ok so let me tell you my experience with that month that  I recited the entire Quran and the year that came after it.

Mood Change

  During the first few days of Ramadan I was reading through Juz Amma and the results were remarkable. I noticed by mood instantly changed. Sometimes I find myself in an annoyed "get out of my way" attitude, you know, like you dont have patience for anything. But when I read lots and lots, that cloud over my head left me...I was happy! Really happy. Like a child in a candy shop. I felt all bouncy and what not. I found myself spending more fun time with my family. Usually Id be in my room. But I actually spent more time in their company. And enjoyed it too. 


Then my appearance was affected too. I noticed on those days where I read after fajr prayer a glow would stay on my face, it was nice. But the days when I wouldnt read after Fajr, get ready that day would be a difficult day. And I wouldnt look so great either. People will notice it too. When you memmorize the difference in your looks will be much more noticable.


 Ok lets talk about the connection with the spiritual world. Dreams. They became brighter and more clearer. You know how sometimes when you dream you cant remember what it was about. When you read Quran, alot you will remember them and they will sometimes have a meaning to them. Dreams are a good indicator of your spiritual standing. A very good indicator so people should take them seriously. So the Quran will give a really good relationship with the other world. Its pretty cool.

Rizq (Sustenance)

When I watched Nouman Ali Khan's video about "Quran at Fajr" and he talked about the blessings you get when you read at that time. I was motivated to do just that. And I did it. Man, he was right. Masha Allah, Allah takes real good care of you when you do the task of reading his words in the blessed time, and yes the doors of opportunity open for. Your belly's full, your content and satisfied, what more can you ask for.

The Love of the People

Have you ever heard that when Allah loves a person, the angels and the people love him? Probably. And did you know that one way to gain Allah's love is through reading Quran. So if one is in love with the book of Allah, the people with be in love with him. I can say that I have seen this. The people love to be around you when you are immersed in the study of Quran. Its like they cant get enough of you. But dont take it for granted, the momment you slack, they wont be too crazy about you any more, lol.

Thatès just a few of the awesome things that happen to you when you learn the book of Allah. 

Tips on reading Qur'an with Consistency

1) Remove you heart from all  loves other than the love of Allah. Meaning if you find your obessing over someone or something, try your utmost best to make dua to Allah to remove that from you. If you want to to fill that vessel(the heart) it cant already have stuff in it. So clean it out.
2) Leave major sins. Im serious. leave it.
3) Be extra good to your parents and family. I noticeed that would help me read and memmorize more. You HAVE to be on good terms with with them if you want to succeed.


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