The Love in our Lives

 If there's anything one should be grateful for it should be the family Allah has given them. Allah gave us people that take care of us without us even asking for it. We came into to this world with nothing but a loving mother waiting to hold us in her hands. A mother that put her life into us. And even when were grown, she still loves us, doing whatever she can to make us smile, to cheer us up on a tough day. She's there to make us feel comfortable, she cant handle to see us in pain or misery. She would neglect herself just to give us what we need. And yet we are still ungrateful to her for all that she's done. Is it hard just to make her smile and laugh?

Our fathers, may Allah have mercy on them, spend hours and hours to make ends meet for us. Even if they had the best of education, their willing to take a basic job to make sure we all get what we need. Everyday he comes home tired just wanting to rest. And the next day he goes out again, putting himself aside for our sake. Putting himself aside so we can live a good life and not suffer what many have to suffer. Is it hard for us to make him happy? To make him fee that he hasnt wasted his time, but that we are grateful for his efforts. Can we show him appreciation?

Our sisters. Our blood-related sisters. The first friends we ever had. They spend time with us. Talk to us, share their secrets with us, take care of us when were sick, bring us sweets when were down. They listen to us when we talk. And are patient with us when were difficult. They are a comfort for us, a companion when no ones there. A helper with tough tasks and a friend to laugh with. Shouldn't they know that we love them and sincerely care for them?

Our brothers, they can make us laugh sometimes. They are the men that protect us. That represent us. That escort us in public so no one can violate us. They are the ones that'll go and get you something when you need it. Even if its 3 in the morning. They financially support us in times of difficulty. And give you good counsel in downtimes. Is there anyone that can give you a good time the way brothers can? Its an honor to have them by our side.

Alhamdulillah, these are the people Allah has gifted us with. Before we were even born, Allah took care of us by providing for us a family that would love us unconditionally.

*My family.... Alhamdulillaah. I love them. And I hope they love me too.*


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