Jumu'ah Khutbah Reflections


  I really enjoyed the Khutbah during the last 4 minutes. Because then, that's when my heart really listened. If you ever want the hearts of the people to listen, we have to talk about the things they desire. In my case, Jannah caught my attention. People listen avidly when they listen to something that relates to them. If we want the people to be attached to the Allah, we must talk about spiritual things. Like what will happen in the hereafter, Hell, or Heaven, etc. Then when their hearts are attached to meeting Allah, and living in Jannah, then they will love Qur'an and do whatever commandments they gotta do. 
  Just like the first body of believers. Their hearts were attached the the next world, their faith was stronger because their focus was on the next world, no matter they had to endure, it was Allah's Good pleasure that they sought. Wasn't the first ten years of the call to Islam mainly about learning about who Allah is? And learning his attributes? So that the hearts could be attached to Allah. Not was it about Ahkam and what not, was it? So if we want our young people nowadays to tremble with awe from the Qur'an we must attach their hearts to Allah. 
  How? Well one can start with doing regular lessons, or khutbahs about Allah's Love, Mercy, Compassion and get the people a feel for Allah. Many people memorize Qur'an, millions, but they're not exactly aware of the one who sent down the Qur'an. The feel is gone. We must somehow get the people to know Allah the way the companions did.
  I wish the entire session was what the last 4 minutes contained, cuz then I could relate to it. It mentioned fasting and all the problems we go through. So my ear perked up.
 People have sensitive ears too, meaning they don't like to hear words that have negative connotations. Even when describing something good words should be used. For example if someone is one of the "sufahaaa" a better word for them would be foolish, than stupid because the audience may somehow get offended. So we must speak in a way that the hearts like. Gentle words.
   Topics that could be discussed in the future..anything relevant to the lives of the youth
for example

1) Learning about Allah, his love and Mercy
2) Striving for Jannah: Practical Ways
3) Gaurding against Hell, Or Saving our Families from Hell: Practical Steps
4) The Qur'an: How it benefits us ( people love hearing about things that benefit them)
5) Love: Marriage: Maintaining Family

  Anything that would grab their attention, and when you have it, deliver the message you want to deliver somehow relating them together.
   I loved the ending. Hearing about our homes in Jannah put something in me, I think they call it hope. It was beautiful, like it was soo close. May Allah give us the highest home in Jannah. I like hearing about Janah especially in Ramadan cuz the hearts get soft, one can really get a feel for it. Masha Allah it was a good khutbah.

Barakallah Feekum


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