Understanding Women: Inside our minds

When Stressed

When a woman becomes stressed, she may show it by "complaining." Meaning she may go on and on about how she doesn't like this or that which can get a little annoying sometimes. She defuses by communication. If she does this to you, this is what she wants: Someone to just listen

When we tell you about our problems we don't want advise or a solution. In fact giving us a solution will irritate us because that is not what we want. We want someone to just empathize for us, to feel some sympathy for what we're going through with words like.." aww, that must be  difficult, I can understand how you may feel.." All said in a nice, sweet, gentle tone. Thats it.  None of that "this is what you have to do" stuff. We know what we have to do, we just want someone to show us some pity. I know its sounds weird but that's how we are.

In keeping mental note

We love making assessments of progress in our relationships. If someone does something nice for us, we keep them in them in the good category. If they havent done anything for us in a while, we begin to question our relationships. So we remember pretty well what you say and do to us. And it builds. They can become angry with you for something you did years ago, or months ago, which is strange but it will happen. You may not know why she's angry with you when you thought everything was well, but she probably remembered this one small thing you did that hurt her. So be extra careful of what you say to her. Extra careful.

A nice analogy, treat her like a glass vessel. Make sure not to break it.

Quantity verses Quality

I know its seems illogical, but we value the numbers than the value of of what you give us. Lets say you buy her a brand new lexus. Just beautiful and 2 years later you give her one rose. In her mind you only received 2 good points. In another instance lets say you gave her one rose every month for a year. In her mind you received 12 good points, and this is far better than the car and rose you gave her prior. This is because she is looking to see how many times you thought about her. Its you thinking about her that has the value. She doesn't want big things that come rarely. But what she wants is regular small things that show you think about her. Here are some things you can do daily to show her she's on your mind. 

1) Email that you love her..very often cuz she needs to hear it

2) Or when you come back from work, get something small for her, some chocolate, or anything to show her you thought about her

3) Replace the mean things you say to her with nice words. Tell her you love her. Not just once, alot  cuz with her its about the amount. Yes, she might ask you everyday if you love her, so tell her without her having to ask you. Or if your too shy just write it down. Words are pretty powerful.

5) Compliment her. Tell you wife shes beautiful, hot, gorgeous, attractive, use any word you want. But make sure you tell her, Especially when you see she's dressed up, or yo see she made some type of effort to improve her looks. We love feedback, immediate feedback.

All of these things are gifts to her. The material things you buy and the kind words are gifts. So you can get mad bonus points without spending much. Everyday. Remember she counts the good things you do for her that make her feel special, not just the size of the gifts you buy her.


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