Wise Sayings


 Inspirational Quotes

"Not every man with a heart is understanding,nor every man with an ear a listener,nor every man with eyes able to see.."
Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib

Great minds discuss ideas..
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Genius is knowing to stay silent as others demonstrate their ignorance.
- Eric Lau

Butterflies come to pretty flowers.  -- Korean

Anger is a short madness. -Horace (65-8BC)

If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.   -Chinese Proverb

The anger of the prudent never shows.   -- Burmese

The greatest remedy for anger is delay.   -- unknown

A good spouse and health is a person's best wealth.    -- Ben Franklin (1706-1790)

A smile is a window in your face to show your heart is at home.  -unkown

Cold hands, warm heart.  -- V.S. Lean

Every day of your life is a page of your history.   -- Arabic

Glass, china and reputation are easily crack'd and never well mended.  -- Ben Franklin 

He that would govern others, first should be the master of himself.   -- Phillip Massinger

Kind words are short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.  -- Mother Teresa (1910-1997)

Laugh and the world laughs with you; cry and you cry alone.  -- Horace (65-8 BC)

Praise the young and they will blossom.  -- Irish Proverb

The mind is willing, but the flesh is weak.  -Bible

The old one who is loved, is winter with flowers.      -- German

Your success and happiness lie in you...resolve to keep happy and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.      -- Helen Keller

The pen is mightier than the sword.      -- unknown

The worst enemy you have is right in your head. -- unknown

When strict with oneself, one rarely fails.      -- Confucious

You'll never do anything behind you that won't come up in front of you.    -- unknown

Eat to live, not live to eat.  -- Socrates (469-399 BC)

When the heart is at ease, the body is healthy.  -- Chinese 

Small children give you a headache, big children a heartache.      -- Russian Proverb


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