Ramadan 2013: What I learned: Part 4



Indeed, in the alternation of the night and the day and [in] what Allah has created in the heavens and the earth are signs for a people who fear Allah

(Ch.10 verse 6)

     How would you be able to know if someone came by a certain place? You may ask, "Well, did they leave anything behind? Maybe they left behind some footprints. Or some shoes. Its a proof that they must have come by here. And if you are really fascinated by what the left behind you'd search for them. Maybe they would use the footprints as a guide to know in what direction they could go to find them. 

   Similarily, the world around us give us signs of the Allah, the Almighty Creator who gave us an earth and above a sky, a sun and a moon. These creations teach us about Allaah. They give us signs of this attributes. They show us his Majesty, Beauty, and Mercy. They are all above us. The all point up towards the Allah, the Most High. We sure didn't create these things. And the one who created them wants us to know him through what he has left for us. And if we love him, we will want to find the path that will lead us to Him. 

  When we are walking towards desperately meeting someone in a limited time period, we constantly keep moving, there's no time to waste taking breaks. We need to get to our destination in order for our survival. So our legs continue moving. Left foot, then right foot, left foot, right foot. In succession. One after another. You will continue moving as long as you keep moving the legs in alternation. Then when we finally stop, its because we met the one we were desperately aspiring to find. 

     Similarily, sun and the moon alternate day after day to take us to a destination point. They are our feet that take us to the one we will meet one day. Everyday, the sun and moon alternate as if they are walking us to our final destination. And there is nothing we can do stop it or put the mission on hold. We can pretend nothings happening, but as the nights and day pass by we are being taken closer and closer to Allah Azzah wa Jal. The sun and moon do not take breaks, they continuously, diligently alternate and only stop once. And when they do. Then that is the last day. No more walking for the sun and moon, because they have reached their  destination. And now they are standing before their Lord, Allah, Subhaanahu wa ta'cala.

This week I learned that there are signs outside our windows. Signs we don't even care to notice. But they're right there. Almost looming over our heads. Truly in the alternation of night and day are signs of Allah. Of our meeting with him. I wonder why do we not notice these things. And the only thing that  makes sense to me is our love for ourselves. Our love for enjoyment. It puts a pause on our intellect. There's no time for you to think when your out for a good time. This month of Ramadan that Allah has given us is truly a mercy and a blessing. This months helps us put aside our enjoyments and to focus on the greater mission in life. Our return and meeting with Allah, the Most Gracious.

*Alhamdulillaahi Rabbil 'Alameen*


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