A Chaste Life


Three groups of people Allah obliged Himself to help them: Mujahid in the cause of Allah, a worker to pay his debt, and the one who wants to marry to live a chaste life."

In the fitnah that we live in, marriage seems to be one the best options in gaurding oneself from whatever wickedness is out there. There came a time in my life when I just had to completely abandon the entertainment out there because of its effect on the heart. It affects the heart, removing it from contentment to unsatisfaction and sadness. It causes you to have more love for the dunya, than for Allah. And that can leave you in a spirituality catastrophic state. Its unsettling to have your heart wavering from this to that. 

The entertainment today is known for its call and cry to shamelessness and indecency. All in the name of "Love" What love? There is no love. Its just a yearning of fulfillment  In not the best way either. The music, TV shows, magazines all promote indecency. Its crazy. And they make it look pretty too. Strange. But its not. Its destructive.

Makes you want to have pity on anyone doing their best to stay clear of it. Because its everywhere, and you have the poor miskeen lowering their gaze when they see ads or closing their ears when musics blaring and they just want to get married to be safe from all this, but they're to scared to let their fathers know. They just can't do it. So their waiting for something to happen. In the meanwhile everyone around them is watching nonsense or listening to songs embedded with you know what. And they feel alone and singled out because there's no place for them, except for a corner where than read or write. They being pressured to just go out there and mix. "There's nothing wrong with that.." they'll imply.

Well the only thing they can do is make du'aa, "Rabbanaa hablanaa min azawjinaa wa thurriyatinaa qurrata a'yuninwa waj'alna lil mutaqeena imamaa" 

Because they cant expose their issue to anyone but Allah. It would be embarrassing to go to a father and tell him, "Baba, I want to get to married to___________" It would be unthinkable in many cultures. So what they can only can only do is seek Allah's help. And Allah will help that person who wants to marry to live an upright life.

*May Allah make it easy for us. Ameen*


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