The Joys of Women


 "Beautified for mankind is love of the joys (that come) from women and offspring; and stored-up heaps of gold and silver, and horses branded (with their mark), and cattle and land. That is comfort of the life of the world. Allah! With Him is a more excellent abode."
( Chapter 3 verse 14)

Sometimes women are oblivious to what extent they can affect a man. Totally oblivious. Some of us don't know what is going on inside their minds when we speak and dress in a certain way. But in reality they have weakness for women. And its hidden. Lets see what Psychology today has to say about their survey conducted, asking "What men love about Women"

“Phew. I am not sure if there is enough space here to list everything.”

“What we like: your gentleness, your warmth.

“Women are closer to emotions, and I find that women represent beauty that you just cannot find anywhere else in the world.”

“I can talk to my female friends and be nurtured. Bro’s don’t nurture bro’s. We can talk and we can get deep and very real and practical, but all men come from women. That nurturing that we received as a baby imprints on us, and try as we like, we can’t get away from that.”

“One of the best moments with any woman is the first time you reach out to hold her hand and she reaches out to hold yours.”

“Women need to understand that boys would rather be around them than most anywhere or with anyone else.”

“Their smell, soft skin, tender touch. Sometimes when you look in their eyes you can see all the way to their soul.”

“They can be very kind and aware of the needs of others in a way that would never occur to me. Not that I don’t care about others, it just doesn’t occur to me a lot of the time.”

“I love how they can counterbalance me and help me see things from a different angle. If they are wise, they can make me change my mind when I have become stove-piped in my thinking or actions.” 

“And of course, their intelligence. An intelligent girl is worth the world and even more!”
“Compassion, the fact that they do show their emotions more publicly, their intelligence. 

“I enjoy the way they do not fear emotion. I love the way they live with open hearts. It makes them more vulnerable to feeling sad, but it opens them up to feel a level of contentment and joy beyond what I think men can. They just live on the emotional extremes. The ability to have high highs and low lows makes sharing a life with them both exciting and challenging.”
“They’re not men.”

(From a French man): “A stupid thing that is their smile.”

“Everything. The way they look, the way they talk, the way they think, the way they feel.”

“I like feeling useful to her.”

“I like that they let me protect, provide for and cherish them.”

“Their bubbliness. Their empathy. Their willingness to love.”

“The best moments I’ve had with a woman is usually doing something really simple, when we feel a good connection and are just really into each other.”

“I love women. They are on the whole great to be with and make good friends as well. I can get things from a woman that other guys can’t give and I am thankful for all the things they do in our lives.”



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