My Life Lessons


Lessons from Personal Experiences

1) Swallow your pride, because it saves relationships. Even if you were wronged, say sorry first, immediately so the wound doesn't fester. Be in a humble state, even when your with those that are younger than you. Let your siblings make fun of you. And then laugh it off.

2) Never let your enemies see your weakness. Ever. We all know those that are against us. We know it. We may not be an enemy to them, but they are definitely an enemy to us. If they insult you, pretend as if it didn't hurt you. Even if it did, don't let them see it. Cause then they'll pull the same card each time. And they'll think they won somehow. So do not let them see you are offended. Because now you just exposed your weakness to them. So stay strong

3) Do not make fun of people or even animals. Because whatever you were mocking will come back at you and you will be in their shoes. It'll be scary turn of events. And you will remember that you made a mockery out of this animal or person and now your going through what they went through. And it wont be pretty.

4) Remember Allah and he will remember you and cause others to remember you. Remember people and no one may remember you.

5) Chasing after what you love will only make it run away from you. Do you ever want to have the love of a certain person? And then you do all these crazy things to get their attention? Well in reality when you show off to any human being it only repels them away. Far away. We somehow cant stand to see others show off, it bothers us on the inside. Its this natural feeling, you know. Because we hate to see others degrade themselves for the pleasure of someone else. We know we are not worthy of being shown off too. And we know the person to be too dignified to lower themselves for anyone.

6) Striving to please Allah, and remembering him will make the world come running to you. Have you ever noticed that when you read more Qur'an, opportunities come knocking on your door? People want to be with you, talk to you. Masha Allah your showered with love and sustenance and your just so happy. That is because you found the right source. With Allah lies everything. And to him belongs everything. So when you turn to him, you can get everything you need and more. People cant give you anything. Their just people. But Allah, the creator of the people can give you whatever you neeed, a loving spouse, wealth, children. Everything and more.

7) One needs quite time sometimes. Time to be alone to recharge, to rethink things over, to just chill. Where one isnt disturbed. Those times are basically around the five daily prayers. A few momments before and after can have a huge impact on one's attitude. And do not engage in conversation with people during the prayer times. That time is not meant for human conversation. Its meant to communicate with Allah. But if you choose to talk to people anyway during these times, you'll find yourselves saying and doing evil things that none of you will be happy with after.

8) We must learn how to communicate. No one's gonna know what we want or need. So if we want healthy relationship we must voice our needs. In an appropriate manner. Not telling others want you need may cause drudges and ill feeling in build in your relationships. If you see something you dont like in what the other persons doing, learn to pardon and if you cant do that, then gently talk to them about it. I mean let them know how you feel about it starting with "I feel.." Instead of starting with, "You make me feel..."    But do it in private. Never advise someone in public. Because thats only humiliation and they wont listen to you either.

9) Listen more than you speak. If its not necessary to speak dont speak. What you say will have more value then you know? Cause its a once life time chance. Maybe not like that but you know what I mean. Let others talk, it makes them feel good. And it makes them feel good that someone's listening too. Wounds can be healed from having a nice, quiet, attentive person hear us out without voicing their opinions or advise. Sometimes people just need someone to listen to them, becuase it gives them satisfaction.  We love people that listen to us. We really do.

* Insha Allah there will be more to come*


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