Our Meeting


 Say, "Indeed, the death from which you flee - indeed, it will meet you. Then you will be returned to the Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, and He will inform you about what you used to do."

(Ch. 62 verse 8)


Are we ready? Are we really ready to die? People are dying all around us. Every week there's a Janazah happening is some mosque and were sad, but somehow a little safe and comfortable and glad its not us. ``Whew...at least its not me.`` And you may think that you will never die. "It cant happen to me.. He can die, everyone else can die..but me..I just cant imagine that."  How is that we think like this? When its something everyone has gone through and everyone will go through. Shaytaan is the one who deludes us into thinking we have all this time, "Its okay.. I have all this time. Im still a kid .." Like death only comes to old people. I mean we want to enjoy ourselves, have a good time and not let things like death even cross our minds. But the most intelligent human is the one who prepares for death. That is intelligence. You know whats gonna happen and you act accordingly so things turn out in your favor. But... we have a creature on our back, making sure we never remember death, never remember meeting Allah. So he will keep us in a oblivious state. He wants us to indulge. To take our mind off the more important things. I mean at the end of the day, he wants us to burn with him in that horrible place he's destined for. He doesn't want us to succeed, he wants us to be destroyed. So he makes sure we do not use our minds to think, to reflect, to use our intelligent we can figure out how to get to Jannah. One of the regrets of the people in Jahannam is how they wished they could have used their minds to think.

They will further say: "Had we but listened or used our intelligence, we should not (now) be among the Companions of the Blazing Fire!"

 They will also say, "Had We listened or used our minds, we would not have become the dwellers of hell"
(Mulk verse 10)

May Allah protect us.

But Alhamdulillaah, Allah wants us to prepare for the day we meet him. He loves to meet those who love to meet him. So Allah gives us warnings, Allah gives us signs. Allah gave us the Quran as instructions for our success in this world and the next, so we can meet him in happiness and joy. Why else is it here. For our guidance. One way to prepare for our meeting with is getting for death. We definitely do not know when times up, so we don't know when to prepare cuz you gotta admit, we love to procrastinate. For some of us, everythings is last minute. Everything. And that's just us. But Allah gives signs to us about our death. And how its coming. Allah gives us a message. But your thinking the time of revelation is gone. The prophets are gone. We just normal people, can Allah give send us a message. Yes, ofcourse. But not through revelation but through inspiration.

Dreams are one of the ways we can receive signs from Allah. They are an inspiration.
They are a glimpse into the spiritual life. Dreams can be an indications of your spiritual standing with Allah. Our ``spiritometer``, We should never disregard dreams, especially if they leave you with a strong impression.  But there are three types of dreams. The dreams from Allah which are the true dreams. The dreams from shaytaan which make you wake up afraid. And the dreams of the nafs, basically those dreams where you dream about what you constantly think about during the day. Disregard dreams from shaytaan and from the nafs.

Rasulallah saw said,

"A good dream that comes true is from Allah, and a bad dream is from Satan, so if anyone of you sees a bad dream, he should seek refuge with Allah from Satan and should spit on the left, for the bad dream will not harm him."

So the dreams from Allah are clear, vivid clear. You will not forget them. Sometimes, you may see it unfold throughout the day. But there are other dreams that give you a glimpse into the Aakhira. Allah may show us signs of our death. In dreams. Which shouldn't be taken lightly. Perhaps this is a time for you to get your act together because you will have to meet you Lord. Its good so we can make seek his forgiveness more and spend more time praying Qiyaam and  start seriously focusing on our worship so we can Insha Allah meet him in a righteous state. In dreams, you may see things which need interpretation because they are not exactly what it is. Like the story of the man in jail with Yusuf (as) who dreamt there was birds eating off his head. That dreamt was interpreted to mean Crucifixion. A type of death.  And there are other interpretation that may allude to ones death for example,

1) Teeth falling: If they fall on the floor it may mean death
2) Flying: From a known abode to a distant unknown abode, or out of house alludes to death. 
3) Birds: An unknown bird symbolizes the angel of death.
4) An Unknown House — If a person sees himself in a house whose foundation, location and occupants are not known to him, it symbolizes his abode in the Hereafter every feature of such a house-eg. Narrowness, spaciousness, ugliness, beauty – is an identical replica of his abode in the Hereafter. Subsequently, this is a reflection of his deeds and actions in the world.

  So when you see things like this, taken into account that your time here is limited and that you gotta prepare for that day when that angel comes to take your soul. We have to make sure our prayers are set. Prayed on time, everyday. We gotta make sure were reading Qur`an which will be a light for us in our graves and on the day of Judgement. We have to understand that all these acts of worship we have to do are those things that will help us when we die. There not there to rob us of our enjoyment in life. Its to make sure we have enjoyment in the next life. Think about it. If we werent praying, fasting, doing good things, we`d be doing other things. Wouldnt we. We;d be doing other things. Our nafs can make us want to do the craziest of things. But Allah wants us to control our desires so we can have absolute fulfillment in the next world. Allah wants us to be busy in his remembrance so we can save ourselves from the evil our nafs incline to. Allah says,

But as for him who feared standing before his Lord, and restrained himself from impure evil desires, and lusts.

 Verily, Paradise will be his abode.

(Ch.79 verse 40-41)

And what a great place that will be! May Allah allow us to enter it without judgement and give us the highest of Jannah! 



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