Rights of the wife

1) Dowry (mahr)

{And give women their dowries as a gift.  Then, if they are pleased to give some of it to you, consume it with good health and enjoyment.}  An-Nisaa:4

2) Support (Nafaqah)

Allah says:

{...And upon the father is the mother's sustenance and her clothing according to what is reasonable.  No person shall have a burden on him greater than he can bear...}  Al-Baqara:233

 When the Prophet (sas) was asked by a man, "What is the right of our wives upon us?", he (sas) answered:

"""That he should feed her whenever he eats and cloth her whenever he clothes himself, that he not hit her face, that he not call her ugly and that he not boycott her except within the house."  Ibn Majah

3) Kind and Proper Treatment

Allah says:

{...And consort with your wives in a goodly manner for, if you dislike them, it may well be that you dislike something  which Allah makes a source of abundant good.} An-Nisaa:19

4) Intimacy

In Sahih Ibn Hibban, the following was narrated:

"The wife of 'Uthman ibn Madh'oon complained to the Messenger of Allah (sas) that her husband had no need for women.  During the days he would fast and at night he would pray.  The Prophet (sas) asked him: "Am I not the best example for you to follow?"  He answered: "Certainly, may my father and mother be sacrificed for you."  The Prophet (sas) then told him:  "As for you, you pray during the night and you fast during the day.  Certainly, your wife has a right upon you and your body has a right upon you so pray and sleep and fast and break your fast."

5) To Be Taught Her Religion

The Prophet (sas):

"All of you are shepherds and all of you will be asked about your wards.  The ruler is a shepherd and shall be asked about his wards.  The man is a shepherd of his family and will be asked about his ward."  Bukhari

6) Ghiraa: Protective Jealousy

A man should be "jealous" with regard to his wife's honor and standing.  He should defend her whenever she is slandered or spoken ill of behind her back.  Actually, this is a right of every Muslim in general but a right of the spouse specifically.  He should also be jealous in now allowing other men to look at his wife or speak with her in a manner which is not appropriate.  The Prophet (sas) mentioned in a sahih hadith that "Three will never enter paradise... ad-dayyooth."  Ad-dayyooth (sometimes translated "henpecked") is the weak husband who has no jealousy toward his wife.


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