A Key to Happiness


  I learned something yesterday. Our grandparents and parents are one of the keys to a happy life. You make them happy and your happy. You make them angry and you suffer. For a long time. Its scary how your happiness depends on them. But you can also make that in your favor. You want an awesome life? Give them a great time. And when you do, Allah opens his doors of mercy and bounty upon you. Your given gifts. Unexpectedly. Your showered with sustenance. Your happy, not only you but the ones around you too. So much so that you start to wonder. How did this happen? And then you remember a call you made to your grandpa that made him happy. You remember you asked him to make dua for you. And now all this awesome, unexpected stuff is happening.

 Perhaps keeping good relations with family is also a means to protected from the trials in this world.

 " Allah said, “Yes, would it please you if I were to take care of those who take care of you and cut off those who cut you off?”

And I swear this is the truth. I witnessed it with my own eyes.  Allah will take care of your emotional, spiritual and financial well being if you take care of your ties of kinship, meaning family. Including grandparents, and relatives. Its not a difficult thing to do, could even be a call every week asking how their doing, making sure they know that you care and love them. And also you'll be saved from those  difficulties that are just so unbearable sometimes.

Somethings you can do for your parents

1) If there distant, phone them regulary. It could be once a week, every two weeks, once a month. Once a year is crossing lines. And ask them how their doing.

2) Gift them. Not necessarily with things. But time. They would like someone to talk to them.

3) If you have children, take them too see your parents. Grandkids are so cute!

4) Make dua for them!

5) Say beautiful things to them. Tell them you love them and that they're the best!


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