The Evil Presence
Ever get those times when your sleeping and then all of a sudden you can't move? Like there's this force feild on your body that holds you in place? You wanna get out and wake up but your being pulled back in such a strong way, like your sucked back in.
Or ever get those times when your praying and you see a black shadow in the corner of your eyes and it freaks you out, but you got keep praying. And you wanna look but you can't and your just scared to death. Or your just chillin and then some evil suggestion comes in your mind, telling you to do something evil, and your thinking, "What, where did that come from?"
All of these are from the shayateen. Shayateen are the jinn and men who have taken a distant path from Allah. They are rebellious and the most mischievous of creatures. This is their name because they are far away, remote from Allah's Mercy. Not all Jinn and men are shayateen. The Jinn are just like humans, they are a race. Among them are the good and bad ones. But the wicked ones among the men and Jinn are called Shayateen
The Jinn are created from smokeless fire. Most people cannot see them, but they can sure see us. They were created long before mankind. Iblees, the creature who seduced our parents to eat from the tree was one of the Jinn. And now he has many children on the earth. The Jinn race are just like us. They mate, have children, eat, work, I dont know if they sleep. But their like us.
Now the Shayateen of the Jinn are different. My God, they are busy trying to ruin our lives. They watch us from a position that we cannot see them, them and their tribe and they are enemies to us. They cant stand our guts. Completely envious of us, they want us to be destroyed and to burn in hell with them. There are some people they possess and some people they harass, and others they run from and stay away from at all costs.
But for us, msikeen, they may try to pull some tricks on us, and get us to be afraid of them. We all hear the stories of this being possessed and this person that, and this person this. Ive seen some situation where others have been tampered by them.
One person I know has difficulty falling asleep at night because they come to them for I dont know what reason. Sometimes they'd drag them out of their bed full force, out of their room and they'd tell me they didn't know how they got there (They'd find themselves in the hallway) Or other times when theyd try to sleep in another room, the Jinn would go after them and find them.
But Ive come to the conclusion that the Jinn are attracted to certain things and if we keep an environment, "Jinn Friendly" They'll always stop by to say hello. There's few things a person can do to keep these creatures as far away from them as possible.
1) The Remembrance of Allah
They shayateen descend to those and become good friends to those who do not remember Allah.
And whoever is blinded from remembrance of the Most Merciful - We appoint for him a devil, and he is to him a companion.
Not remembering Allah with prayers and thikr makes one's spiritual immune system vulnerable. The prayers are to give you protection from Allah, Arahmaan. And if we are absent from the prayers, who will protect us from the evils of the shayateen and whatever else they have planned for us. But when we guard our prayers, Allah guards us from this creature's plot.
a) Quran: The surahs the shayateen cannot stand among others are Al baqarah, Ali Imran and Ha meem (Ghafir) Read those frequently in your homes. The shayateen cannot enter a home where Al-Baq. has been read. If your tired and cant read it, Aayatul Kursi will do just fine.
There is also the Manzil that could be read for anyone who has serious Jinn-related problems. Reading them morning and evening is recommended.
2 ) Personal Hygiene
We all know there are evil spirits that live in bathrooms so we know the kind of things their into. All things that are uncleanly are for them. So we must keep those things far away from us. When we are in the washroom, we have to make sure we dont leave with anything nijis on our clothes. When we groom ourselves, everything that comes from us, whether its hair on the brush or nails after it being cut have to be kept far away from us. They are to be thrown out asap. We shouldnt leave it around. Because when they come out at night, they will find their way towards it.
3) Leftovers
Sometimes after a long day we eat supper and just knock out. Imagine we had chicken. We ate the meat and left the bone. Mmm Mmm it was good, but as we were eating the chicken we didnt see that creature eyeing that bone so it could enjoy it too afterwards. But heedless we slept forgetting to throw the bones out of the house. I know of someone who was terrified as they were sleeping because something was screaming at them in the most spookiest of ways. And they didnt know why they were being attacked like this, untill they realized it was a Jinn and they were mad. They were mad. This person realized that, that night they had a chicken bone in their hand and they were contemplating on whether to throw it or not because the Jinn might want to eat it. But they forgot and left it in the bag. And they wondered, But how did they know it was me, until they remembered that the jinn could see. So they woke up and threw it outside to sleep soundly afterwards.
Abu Hurairah tell us he asked, "What about the bone and the animal dung?" He said, "They are of the food of Jinns. The delegate of Jinns of (the city of) Nasibin came to me--and how nice those Jinns were--and asked me for the remains of the human food. I invoked Allah for them that they would never pass by a bone or animal dung but find food on them."
To be continued....
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