Removing the Barriers


  From listening to a lectures discussing misconceptions I have learned that the barriers we put between ourselves and that of which we don't know in order to protect ourselves has only weakened us. We have lost the ability to think. We would rather regurgitate what the people tell us about this group of people and that group of people. When sometimes what we spread is lies. Out of fear we spread misconception. Shut these people out, look down upon these people. Oppose these people. Out of ignorance. How is that we believe we are the only guided people and everyone else is astray. What has made us think  like this. What? Do we know the secrets of the unseen and seen? Then how can we claim that whoever is not upon our way is lost. We have no right. Nobody knows if they are the ones guided.  if they we did know we are guided why would we spend time praying everyday "Guide us to the straight path?"
   The straight path is not the ends. Its the means to reach Allah. So we should not get hyped over who is astray or who is guided because in the end, Meeting Allah is the final goal. Its not about you being on the path. That not something to become arrogant about. Allah guides to his path those who want it. And we should crave and desire it.
  There are many schools of thought with respected knowledgeable scholars. And all of them make and effort to interpret the divine teachings of Allah. We shouldnt shun others or prefers others. Rather we should take the best from each to form an understanding of our religion. If it makes sense, if it is the truth we should accept. No matter who it comes from. You can the learn amazing things from others, if you only remove the barriers. So we should remove labels. Remove these titles of the different sects. They do not matter. The message is what matters. Labeling someone a this or that only puts divisions between us. Lowering some and raising others. But we all believe in Allah and his messenger Rasulallah (s). Cannot we accept this as a commonality between us? And then forget the theological debates of who's right and who's wrong but focus more on the mission of worshipping Allah, and doing what he commanded us to do.

Allah says,


"Wa maa umiroo il-la liy'abu dul laaha mukhliseena lahud-deena huna faa-a wa yuqeemus salaahta wa yu-tuz zakaata; wa zaalika deenul qaiy yimah

And they were not commanded except to worship Allah , [being] sincere to Him in religion, inclining to truth, and to establish prayer and to give zakah. And that is the correct religion.



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