When Darkness turns to Light

How is it that the beautiful, talented, kind, lovely ones do not see what others see in them, their beauty?  Makes me think, how the ones that show the most love, are probably the ones who receive it less, maybe because they know what it feels like to be rejected and taken for granted so perhaps they vow never to allow someone feel like that ever again.  I wish I could put up a mirror in front of all the wounded ones lovely souls and show them just how wonderful they are, how precious they are, how much they are needed and how much of a great impact their good works have on others.

I wish I could take their hand and show them all the great things they’ve already done and remind them, 'remember when you did this, and this and this, and how happy it made others feel?' I wish i could show them just how special they are…

Nobody knows what demons a person is fighting with. Daily. It’s needed so badly for us to remind each other how much we are loved and appreciated and needed. Who knows, maybe these few words of kindness can give a person what they need to continue moving through their struggles, to continue fighting. Perhaps it can give them one more reason to continue living. Perhaps it can be one person’s love that can light the way for them to see, that, maybe, life isn’t so bad after all, and things will get better. Imagine what a few words can for a person, now and forever as these words of affirmation forever echoes in their heart and soul.

Remember that you are beautiful even if no one told you today. That you are wonderful, smart, courageous, strong, beautiful, worthy and so much more. You are appreciated. And know that the sun still rises every day, despite the fact that everyone takes it splendid light for granted! And yet, if it didn’t rise one day, we would all be left in the darkness, lost! And so continue to rise and shine! Keep fighting, now matter how gloomy it seems. Because remember it’s always darkest before dawn. And you never know who you may be guiding with your light. So keep shinning. You are needed. You are loved. You are appreciated.

Eid Mubarak and much love x


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