What I Love

Qualities I appreciate in others

I've been thinking lately. About the things that I really admire in people and about people in general. You know those things that just make you go "Wow, I like you..." haha and man do I gotta list. 'That's the list choose one from the list.' Ayyye shout out to rwnlpwnl. Ya'll are great.

Number one quality, is a sense of humour, wow, the happiness I get from a good laugh. You know the ones that make you tear up haha. It’s great. I appreciate people that make me laugh. And when I do get a good laugh, i wonder, ‘when’s the last time I’ve laughed this hard..I need more of this in my life!’ Haha then I look at the person and appreciate them even more. God bless their souls. And it’s more than just the laughter they bring, but the sense of release, from the stresses of everyday life. Life is challenging, very tiring at times. We need a break from it sometimes. And when that funny person comes around, you kinda forget for a moment about all the other annoying tasks you gotta get done. You just let go for one minute and embrace whatever comedic relief there is to be had. And for a moment, life isn’t so bad. I mean, if they’re making light of it, why can’t you? And that’s the thing with people with humour, they too have a share in the difficulties of life, but they’ve managed to cope. And now we’re benefiting from their coping mechanisms haha. It’s this light heartedness that is appreciated it, and it does make a difference in my life, and guaranteed in the life of others too. You never know how one smile or one laugh can change someone’s day. How it can uplift a person’s mood. I think people with a sense of humour are a blessing! So thank you. And please don’t ever stop.

Another quality I appreciate is honesty. Someone you can learn from, just from them being honest about their experiences in life. Someone open, not really afraid to discuss anything. Its hard to find honest people these days. I don’t know why. But its rare, and when you do find such a person, they kinda stand out from the others in a way that I can’t really describe. I just find it wonderful.

Another thing I like is when someone who can speak the truth, regardless of how much dislike they will get from the people. About modern, everyday things including the everyday controversial things that nobody wants to get involved with because of the backlash. You know, basically giving voice to the underdog.

I also really love it when people show that they are genuinely concerned for others. You know we have a lot of self promotion these days haha it’s nuts. We’re all about promoting the BEST of ourselves. But when you do it ALL the time...? And it’s always about you? And no one else seems to matter? Then there's a problem. We kinda need more of a world where we support each other’s endeavours. Things can’t always be one sided. There's needs to more mutual love.

I love supportive people. It’s beautiful to me. I can’t help but love people who help me, and want to see me succeed. Its rare to find sincerity like that. Those people have a very very  very special place in my heart.

Alongside that is those who are thankful and show  gratitude. If finding a supportive person is hard, then finding a grateful person is even more difficult. You don’t know how blessed it feels to know that someone appreciates you and actually tells you. It like leaves me feeling so happy. I can’t explain. Its nice to know that your efforts have had a positive effect on someones life..It’s really empowering and motivating. Of course we should do things without expecting reward. Without a doubt. And getting some appreciation when you least expect is like birthday party haha.

No lie, another thing I appreciate is someone who really takes care of their body. Ayyye. No days off. Hashtag gainzforgod. Looking at someone like that is motivating. I remember one time I went to 7-11 (7-11 worked there 24-7) Okay I'm done haha. Okay so I was saying, it’s like a convenient store and I was gonna get some munchies and I was marveling at the selection. I just began to be addicted to their wedges and gulps. Not healthy by the way. So I’m there thinking, "Oh god...this might be something Im going to be doing alot."  and I began to worry then quicky dismissed the thought because you can get really overweight by always eating those things. Anywho I continued looking at the sweets thinking about my future but I didn’t care too much. I mean, I wanted those candy bars. And this girl comes into the store...And from the way her body looked, I was motivated NOT to let go and lose myself to wedges and gulps. She looked really good. I ended up buying the wedges anyways but with the intention to work out soon as I got home. Which I didn’t by the way haha. But I really appreciated how she kept herself together. It was so admirable.

So, everyone, if you already have a great physique, ayyyee. Maintain it. That beauty does wonders for the eyes and hearts you have no idea! And besides, we gotta keep our bodies in shape! This body is a trust! So do what you can, take small steps and may Allah make it easy for us.

You know what else is beautiful. Modest people! Those that are beautiful, but choose not to openly display it. Bless their souls, because living in this day and age, that is hard not to do that considering how many use these social platforms for gross self promotion. Selfies everywhere you wanna puke! Like we get it. You’re wearing a new foundation. Great. What else? But it’s the modest ones i appreciate because they show soul, and less face. More heart, more depth. God bless their souls.

I think that is all for now, but more comin iA. Stay blessed and much love xx


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