Late night thoughts

On relationships: They are a fragile thing. So fragile I gotta pause and just think about it for a second. It can flourish or fail, depending on many things. One of them being innermost thoughts. You see, our thoughts begin to manifest in our daily life through our choice of words and course of action throughout the day. Good or bad. If you feel mistrust, you’ll act accordingly. If you feel security, you’ll act accordingly. Whatever is in the heart will eventually manifest. That’s why it’s important to keep positive thoughts about one another. Don’t ever leave a negative thought to simmer or sauté so much that you make it a reality. Talk, about whatever you are feeling. Express your thoughts. Don’t let them build up until you finally explode. A lot of us think we are doing good when we see something we don’t like and just ‘pretend’ like it didn’t happen. You pretend to ignore it, but you didn’t ignore it. In reality, you kept that stored away in a place where all resentment builds and stems from. Eventually that once loving relationship will be a not so loving relationship. It’s uncomfortable to bring up the things that bother you with the people you love, but it becomes even more uncomfortable when you realize that your relationship is falling apart and you have no idea why. Be honest and straightforward. But remember, always respectful.

Privacy: Believe it or not, there are a lot of people that wish to see such loving relationships fall apart. Maybe yours especially I don't know haha. May God preserve us. And these people who thrive off of this discord will use every opportunity to poke and jab whenever appropriate. When you have issues with your loved ones, address them in private. It’s not wise to let others in on your affairs. Not everyone has the best interests, so even if you do discuss with a close “friend” what’s going on with you, it’s not wise to accept just any advice she/he may give you. Heck, why you even consulting, get some professional help if you need be. Get someone with experience. And if you can’t then at least seek an unbiased outlet. They say whatever happens behind closed doors stays behind closed doors and there is a lot to learn from that. Discuss things privately. Not everyone that smile at you is a sincere adviser!

Productivity: Being goal-oriented is a good thing. It not only keeps you motivated, but helps others to be inspired to do the same. I love seeing others motivated and busy. Be sure to keep your hands busy or something else will be keeping you busy. I say there’s always something to be stressing out about, but when you are productive, at least you’re choosing what you want to stress about, and that freedom of choice is quite breathtaking I must say. Regardless, all of us will be caught up in something, someone else’s drama, or your custom made drama of you getting things done. So choose wisely :)

Good company: A good amount of our own well-being comes from the companionship we keep. Good company is what makes life enjoyable, fun, exciting. A part of you just comes alive when you’re with the ones you love! Finally sometime to think about other things, to just breathe, and dream, and explore and catch up. Without friends, life wouldn’t be that fun. Even in paradise, the best place in the world, Adam was given a companion, his wife Hawa (Eve). It’s not the same when you’re having such an amazing time, but alone. It’s twice the joy when you have someone to share it with! So find more time to spend with friends, set aside time. It’s worth whatever time you’re sacrificing, well I mean if they’re good friends. Even if it’s just an hour a week grabbing coffee. With good friends, you will leave feeling uplifted, inspired, refreshed, recharged. However, if you’re encounters with friends leave you feeling drained, inferior, uninspired, it’s time to double check and see why exactly you keep such company. But that aside, the best company is when you are reminded of Allah. Those connections based on spirituality are gold. Because in the end, those are the only relationships that last. If you’re relationships were based on anything else, when the circumstances change, you may not find yourself friends with this person anymore because both of your priorities have changed. But if you’re priorities were not worldly ones, but aakhira oriented, these relationships will last In sha Allah (God willing) because everything in the dunya will end, and it is the aakhira that will continue on.

Okay I got a little too deep there haha. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the blog, feel free to send me your thoughts and until next time, much love x

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tw:IG @fardawsayusuf


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