Late night thoughts
On relationships: They are a fragile thing. So fragile I gotta pause and just think about it for a second. It can flourish or fail, depending on many things. One of them being innermost thoughts. You see, our thoughts begin to manifest in our daily life through our choice of words and course of action throughout the day. Good or bad. If you feel mistrust, you’ll act accordingly. If you feel security, you’ll act accordingly. Whatever is in the heart will eventually manifest. That’s why it’s important to keep positive thoughts about one another. Don’t ever leave a negative thought to simmer or sauté so much that you make it a reality. Talk, about whatever you are feeling. Express your thoughts. Don’t let them build up until you finally explode. A lot of us think we are doing good when we see something we don’t like and just ‘ pretend ’ like it didn’t happen. You pretend to ignore it, but you didn’t ignore it. In reality, you kept that stored away in a place where all resentment b...