Women. Beauty. Value.


A night or two ago I was talking with my sisters about, you know our future plans and the stuff  we wanted to do in our lives differently from now on and so we did it together hoping that maybe our ideas could inspire each other to come up with different ideas. And I always like when we can do these things collectively because the ideas that come out of them are just phenomenal sometimes.

Of all the things that were written, one thing was mentioned that really caught my eye. It was a suggestion from my youngest sister, well the youngest in the family and her idea was absolutely fantastic. She suggested we put more zest into our lives.

You know how in movies things are exaggerated? But that's what makes it so fun to watch. The enthusiasm. Everything is just like given more energy. Thoughts, words, gestures that you normally wouldnt see around are expressed and accepted and appreciated wholeheartedly. Kinda like how all the ways we'd like to be treated are what the movies propagate.

We would love it if others, especially those who mean the world to us, would go out of their way to show their love for us, to show how much they cared about us, to show how much they think of us. We wanna know how much they'd be willing to prove their love for us.

The movies have no problem portraying this. A man will fight dragons and cross seas of fire and come to near death just so he can reach his fair one. And its interesting because deep down, we kinda want that to. And Im sure the men want to experience some kind of adventure like this too. I'm sure men want to show just how strong and courageous they are, especially to that loved one. But quite honestly I dont think you can find those kinds of opportunities these days. Well you can but I dont think there's really a need because I have a feeling the some women, maybe the majority, and Allah knows best, have lowered their standards so much that some men feel there's not much to chase any more. Because of its availability. The price of a woman's approval has gone to such low levels that perhaps some feel the fight just isnt worth it anymore. And thats sad, because first of all, its takes away from the man his sense of accomplishment in a sense. Men like to work for those things that that mean something to them. They like the challenge. Who doesn't? It'll be all the worthwhile if it was fought and struggled for.

Im going off topic but I wanna say whats on my mind. I think that If women truly knew their value, they'd get the respect they deserved and they would probably be able to get anything they wanted and more. Its more than the physical beauty some are deluded by. A girl can have a beautiful face and body but if she feels she is of little value, and you can spot that so easily by the way and men can spot that too, then its just not the same. Its just not the same. The allure would be gone after a few encounters. And a replacement is sure to come in a short matter of time.

Honestly though.  We need more women of substance. Beautiful women who know their value. Who wont allow themselves to be abused or manipulated. We have tons of beautiful women. But we need more than the shell.

There's something that some of us havent come to realize. One of the biggest, maybe the biggest trial a man can have is a woman. She's his rise or fall. If you just knew the weakness men had for women. If women in general knew how much men prized women, things would be different. But this weakness isnt that obvious. He's probably going nuts from the thought of you but with his calm demeanor you wouldnt notice a thing. Read Suratul Imran and you will find a list of desires that have been made beautiful for men. Yes, in the Quran. And the first of them my friends is women. The biggest trial for the Bani Israeel were women.

Ladies. You can be covered head to toe but you will appear beautiful in a mans eyes. His imagination is enough for him. There's no need to expose your charm. Because your already charmed. Your a woman for crying outloud. Do you know what that means?

It is said that the whole world is a treasure but the best treasure is a righteous woman. That should spell it out for you. But we've lost our sense of value and identity. Some of us not realizing just how precious we are and are fighting daily just to prove to the world that we are worthy with our countless selfies on instagram and basing our worth on the attention and approval of a few or from the majority. We are the ones thinking our worth is based on our appearance and approval from others when it goes deep beyond that. A pretty face can only get you so far. Its gets your foot through the door. But then what? Are we left with a self centered, self-conscious girl who lives for validation? But what about everyone else. Don't they matter? What about the well-bieng of others, the people in your daily life..?

A woman of value does not need to be validated by any person. She does what she can to remain emotionally independent from others as much as possible, and yes that is a struggle. She wont compromise her beliefs or her moral standards for the approval of someone else. She wont let down her standards and she'll say "No"confidently when she needs to without having to give explanations for her actions, and thats pretty attractive. That confidence will only add to you. With all honesty. Because to him, it will be like, "Okay, she doesnt want that..so what does she want..? And remember, a man loves to be the one to give a woman what she wants.. makes sense?

A woman of value wont succumb. But most women have succumbed just for the acceptance or the "love" of this significant other. Just so that this person would be "happy" with them. Just so they wouldnt be left them... They put their entire self identity into this person or relationship feeling they would be nothing without them so they, in a sense, enslave themselves, dropping all their previous standards just so they can keep this person in their life.

But whats interesting is, is from the other side, from his side of things, he sees a girl who doesnt entirely value herself too much and is willing to give up too much for a relationship that probably wont last too long in his mind and then he'll begins to have doubts about her as a person thinking "Maybe Im not the only person she'd been with..." and as a result his image of her disintegrates and sooner or later the respect he once had for her will be gone. We all have this inner conscience in us that tells us when we've done something wrong and just because it seems that guys dont care too much about morality when it comes to these kinda things they actually do have a value system built inside of them, but the temptation has probably blinded them so...yeah. Sure they may ignore it during the chase but after the chase is finished its comes back to them. Theres the guilt and the self blame that he'll mostly likely put on her and so on... But its there. And usually we expect from others what we dont normally expect from ourselves in the realm of decency. But thats humans for you. May Allah have mercy.

Anywho, how did I even get here..but the women of value is different. You see with her, you gotta work. She's not gonna just take anything or settle. If she chooses you its because she she's something special in you that she probably hasn't seen anywhere else, and she chooses instead of settling. There is no settling with this woman. Your not gonna be the second or third option thats usually just there for when a someone wants to fill a void of emptiness. You would be a first choice, there's no settling because this woman knows what she wants and goes for it. So you'll know that, if she has chosen you, then you are someone of value to her. There's qualities in you, substance. Your not just some random person used to fill an empty place in that persons life. You are a somebody to her.

A person who is confident and knows their value can give more to a relationship than someone who feels they have little worth and are self-concious. Because first of all, a confident person is great because for once, they will take the attention off of themselves and focus it on you. We love it sometimes when someone remembers those small details about us or what we said from from before because it makes us feel like we are important and what we say does have an affect, an affect we wanna have so badly on others. This person will give more than they they take. Because they are already self assured, you can enjoy more from them. Yes, we love things can benefit us. Humans, thats how humans are. And there is much more benefit being with a self assured person. Because once in a while, we like to be remembered and thought of, we like considerate things done for us every now and then, but you probably wont get that from someone always focused on themselves. Because they will be expecting that from you. And not doing much to express it to you.

The value of expression is so important especially in nowadays when our human interactions have kinda been handicapped by this bombardment of hand held devices and such. We lack lustre. We lack Zest, the thing I wanted to mention in the beginning but got horribly horribly sidetracked haha. forgive me.

Zest. What you see in the movies is what you and I need to start doing in our every day lives and relationships.  We can be the movies. Yes. Go the extra darn mile to show that you love someone, dont be afraid to share your real thoughts and emotions. Be bare and vulnerable. It does wonders in relationships. You're not meant to be cold and tough in your close relationships. They're called intimate for a reason... come on now.

If your husband comes home for work (my married ones) run to the door, show that extra bit of excitement and enthusiasm, even if your not really feeling it, just do it and let him know, let your hard working husband know that you have been thinking about him and that you have missed him and that your happy to have him. Im sure he'll change his attitude towards you after a few of those spontaneous encounters :) We all wanna be treated special. So why not be the first to make someone else feel special. It only gets better after that.

I think I wrote way too much and hope I can continue on later sometime soon  iA.  Till then.


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