Real Love

Take care of yourself now when your still young because there will come a time when you realize that nobody really cared anyways. And if they did care, they had their own things to worry about. You'll meet a few exceptional people that will go out their way to you they show you they care, those exceptional people being your parents and close family may God bless them, but the majority wont because they're caught up in the rat race of life. They wont even notice a thing.

So take care of yourself, not just because no one will notice when you fall apart, but because there are others who are in worse off condition than you who need your help and support. Who will look after their needs, especially when the majority of people are distracted anyways. Who will remember the people of Gaza, the people of Somalia, the people suffering in other parts of the world that nobody has even come to realize yet.

Health, is a blessing most fail to appreciate. And when you fall sick, then you realize how awesome life was.  Ive a learned a few things, one of them never to expect from others. And to expect from Allah instead.

He is the one who really loves us, and he's the one that is attentive to our needs and knows what we go through day in day out in lives. Our minds should be preoccupied with his remembrance above all else. And he deserves to be loved and remembered. Because Allah is the only one who really cares about us from the beginning.


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