Monopoly of Love


You can get to a point when you know someone so well that its almost like your seeing with their eyes, and your feeling with their heart, and your thinking with their mind and you feel like  they are like you in a sense, maybe your the same person but in two different bodies, the complimenting piece. The ying and the yang where such amazing things happen when you come together.

I don't know what is, whether its the intuitive senses picking up on what the other persons  needs and what they're looking for or what they like and don't like, but its almost like you can feel what they feel. Its like you become one. Its interesting.

And I think that's a powerful thing: knowing what a person wants deep down, their inner most desires, the things they wouldn't normally confess or speak about, those things that are hidden deep deep down beneath layers of what they're "suppose to want." Those things that would appear to them in their dreams from the most subconscious parts of their mind. Those things that are covered by fear throughout the day, but come to life in the depths of the night..

 Its a vulnerable state, when a persons shares their true emotional needs and most people won't ever dare to expose themselves like that, because what if they do and those needs aren't met, or they're looked down upon afterwards or mocked or whatever else rejection they may face.

But if you look closely at the subtle clues, you can see what a person is missing. What they want, what they really want, what they need, through their unspoken words, their gestures, but those things are so subtle, you could even catch it sometimes from something as simple as a quick slip of the tongue..

And its great thing to know and understand your loved one, to know what they long for, cuz if you can, that means you may be the only person who could ever deliver it to them and give them what they've always wanted but would have never ask for. And they wouldn't ever be able to find it elsewhere because no one may know them the way you do or understand their needs the way you do. This would make you stand out from the rest, because you have something no else has, a true understanding of them, and ability to offer what they're looking for without them ever having to even ask for it.

And when you  do understand a person well, insecurities of all sorts go out the window because you could look at something and know whether they'd like it or not. And if they did like this thing, you'd know and if you were smart you would play it better than they anyone can and then deliver it bigger and better. There's no competition when you've gone inside a persons heart and and offered everything they've ever wanted and more. Its a monopoly of love. And its great. Cuz you'd be winning at it.


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