Monopoly of Love
Bismillaah You can get to a point when you know someone so well that its almost like your seeing with their eyes, and your feeling with their heart, and your thinking with their mind and you feel like they are like you in a sense, maybe your the same person but in two different bodies, the complimenting piece. The ying and the yang where such amazing things happen when you come together. I don't know what is, whether its the intuitive senses picking up on what the other persons needs and what they're looking for or what they like and don't like, but its almost like you can feel what they feel. Its like you become one. Its interesting. And I think that's a powerful thing: knowing what a person wants deep down, their inner most desires, the things they wouldn't normally confess or speak about, those things that are hidden deep deep down beneath layers of what they're "suppose to want." Those things that would appear to them i...