Words Spoken


Ive noticed something. And maybe I can use it to my own advantage. Words and presence are powerful. Powerful enough to lift the spirits, to inspire and to mend broken hearts. Powerful enough to change one's life. For the better or for the worst.

  And from now on Insha Allah I will do my best to use my words to enhance the lives of others. To make life enjoyable for my family, my friends and even strangers. I will, Insha Allah be direct in my speech, direct and courteous so no one will be left to wonder what I meant by what I said. So much problems can come from relationships when words are spoken in an ambigous manner. Did we forget shaytaan that loves to brew discourse between us? From just the words we utter? So Insha Allah I will be straightforward without being rude or blunt. But rather gentle but to the point.
   There are some people you meet that know how to uplift your spirits. After a day of feeling frustrated and sad they can put a smile on your face and make you feel great. Even after leaving their presence you feel alive, like a new inspiration hit you. Like you can do it now, you can continue on and do great things.

  I wish I could be the one to make others feel like this. Its great for someone to make you feel wonderful. But I think its even greater to be the one to make someone feel great. To be the reason why someone is smiling today, to be the reason why someone has hope, can carry on, can face life's challenges. That would be an honor. But how would you ever know unless they told you that you  made them feel like that?

   And who would go around telling people "you made me feel great"  I would love to hear that, thats for sure. So from now on Insha Allah I will be the brave one to share my feelings with my loved ones, my family and friends. I will tell them I love them and anything else they want to hear. I will share with them my most intimate feelings. Insha Allah.


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