My Vision of Marriage

Is life with a  companion who is there by my side. Someone to share my dreams with and
someone who can share them with me, unafraid and trusting. I envision being the source of inspiration for my husband, the reason why he leaves home smiling and the reason he comes back home smiling. I want to be the sunshine in his day and the moon in his darkness
A life of spiritual contentment is what I want. Someone to read Qur'an with at Fajr. Someone to share secrets and deams with. To be woken to pray in the depths of the night with, woken by sweet words and a sprinkle of water, maybe even a bite to eat.
Life with an intimate companion that I feel no shyness with.
 A companion, who is bold and daring, devastatingly handsome, confident and secure. I want to create a marriage where expression is encouraged. Love is spoken and felt. Written and sung. Fully Expressed.
I want a marriage where the television or internet is not our source of entertainment. But rather our true personalities unleashed and expressed are the entertainment between ourselves.
 Where we spend evenings appreciating the unique arts of the other. Where we can listen and enjoy each other recite, perform, narrate and sing.
Where passions are discovered and expressed without fear or reserve.  I want an environment based on love and mercy. Where no one is afraid to say, "I love you."
 A platform where talents are exhibited for the pleasure of the other.
I envison a relationship that is built on trust, understanding and appreciation. Where the other is always shown respect and the highest regard. Where stress is wiped away the minute one's foot enters the home. I see a home where it is the true sakeenah. Where there is true tranquility, so wonderful, one dreads to leave it.


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