*Do Good*Show Love*Stay Happy*

When I feel sad there's a few things I like to do to keep me happy. When I feel really down, the thing that boosts my energy is giving. And it usually does the trick because then Im full of wonderful ideas, and the thoughts of seeing them happy makes me happy, I mean REALLY happy. And God knows how long I'll go on for with this happiness. It can be anything. Like a card, a thankyou card. Everybody likes to be apprecaited, who doesnt? Or it can be an "I love you" card for a close family member or friend.
Let me tell you something, I love it when Im shown love. I love it, its like someone lifted me high into the skies. Its a wonderful feeling. The problem is that there's not enough of that going around. And you know how happy people get when their shown love, its amazing, You'll think,"What, no one ever told you they loved you?" You'd be surprised. Songs, Movies, Books, they all talk about love and romance...but the reality is that...not many people are doing it properly or appropriately. We're all just theorizing love. Why dont you just go and tell you mom you love her? Go. Get up and give you husband or wife a kiss. Just Do it. You dont have to explain yourself because that love should already be  there in the relationship.
Showing love to those who are worthy and deserving of it is an emotional boost for you and them. And its a good deed that Allah, the Most Loving, rewards for.
So when I feel down, I show some love, by writing..thats the easiest for me, or by making something or, well thats usually what I do.
Another thing  I do that makes me end up smiling is by showing appreciation for whatever Allah has given me. I'll write down all the things that Im grateful to have. Like the fact that I can see, Alhamdulillah, how I can hear, smell, taste, feel, LOVE, all those things. And I just write and write, and then I think, "hey, my life's not that bad.. Allah has given me what most people DO NOT HAVE." Its an awesome way to boost the self.
Another thing I do is spending time with friends and family. Whoa. When there's problems happening you need some type of support, something and friends and family are awesome at serving the purpose. Just a ride with a friend and a trip to second cup or tim hortons clears up your mind from frustration and the likes. You might even forget you had problems to deal with. Family is something else too. I cant explain it, but just their presence is a spiritually uplifting experience, and they also love you and cant get enough of your company, and thats good.
For me if I hit rock bottom the way I fly, atleast in my mind, is to plan for the future, a really good plan. On paper, I'll just write to myself in the future about everything that is happening and how i have everything that I want and dream of. I pretend to live in the future, its kinda cute, but it wotks.
Feeling sad is just sad. But I try to remember that its darkest before dawn. With every dawn comes a dark type of darkness. And that's life. And to keep yourself happy, you better be doing something in that darkness, so that when your done the sun is shining bright and you cant even remember those dark times.
*Do Good*Show Love*Stay Happy*


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