New Plans for the Year (Insha Allah)

Asalaamu alaykum and greetings

Hi readers,

I know its been so long since I last wrote, but no worries  Im back now Insha Allah. Ive been working on a few things that I would like to share with you. Perhaps it may be of some benefit.

The thing that has kept me busy for the last weeks have been the pen and the paper. Im looking forward to publishing a book about the search for meaning in life. I dont want to spoil it for you but look out for it. I hope to have it published in the next few months Insha Allah and it will, Insha Allah, be available online and in bookstore. So stay tuned

Another thing that has also been keeping me busy is sewing. Yes I love to sew, and Ive been making lots of dresswear I want to expand into making evening wear for women. So Insha Allah they will be available online Insha Allah for order. So stay tuned my friends, I'll give you the details as soon as its launched. Here's one of the items.
Hopefully there'll be more :)

Also, for my edmontonians, the people that live in Alberta, Im a little excited about an upcoming sewing course for women. It will cover the basics of sewing and I'll show you how to make some of the things I made. Hopefully it'll be fun. If your interested, you can send me your email.

And as of now I am offering Tajweed lessons for women and children. Its on going and anyone can join at anytime. Lessons are focussed on reading Qur'an, from A to Z. We begin with alphabets and go into the basic tajweed rules.

Im really hoping they all turn out well. And hoping they will benefit my readers. If anyone has questions, feel free to contact me, and I'll do my best to answer your questions. Till then, Salaam!


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