Home Entertainment


The Home Entertainment System

After a long days of work, sometimes we want to come home and max out with the tube. To just sit there and enjoy whatever we see. Flip, Flip, Flip. This seems interesting. And you'll watch until you become tired.
  This is not the home entertainment system Im talking about. Im talking about one that is live, HD, one thats real. Not the one with electrons shooting on the screen, making an image apear. Im talking about the real thing. Family.

The most satisfying and fulfulling entertaiment comes from your family. Yes, your family. Spending just 10 minutes with your family peacefully can fill you with something that nothing else can bring, wholesomeness. Thats if you can keep good relations with them. These days its a challenge for families to stay together, there's the cases we all hear about. (May Allah protect us) But if you can manage to be on good terms with them, then so much can come out of it.

If your one of the eldest in the family, you'll notice how sometimes the younger ones crave your attention, because aparently your "cool" to them. Even if  your the farthest from that. Naturally the younger will look up to the elder if there a good example. Just by you chillin  out with them for a little bit, they feel so happy.

I have a brother, and I sometimes forget he's younger than me.  I tell you, to me he's the light of the party. If we have family dinners or anything and he decides to leave to go to his room, I feel like something has left, and then I want to leave to. Just his presence makes me happy. And then I wonder if thats how my younger syblings feel about me..Probably not, but that would be nice. :)

Family get togethers are crucial for maintaining relationships. I mean the whole family. We have nine people in our family and even if the room may not fit us its okay. We'll only come more closer to each other :) Sometimes were busy and we dont have the time to get together but even if its a once a week thing thats a good start.

Families don't only have to eat and live together, but they should learn together too. Circles, halaqas or anything is great. And it doesnt have to  be something complicated. You can come together to listen to each other recite Qur'an. Or to learn Tajweed and anything else. You'd be surprised how much love can build between the family from that. 15 minutes a day is all it takes, or at least one a week.

Stay tuned....


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