
Yo it's been too long. I do apologise. Things have been crazy this month whoa. Been emotionally drained too so I couldn't even squeeze a blog in there even if I wanted to lol. I don't even know where to start. How's everyone doing. Isn't this weather insane? In edmonton it's wild. You'll have a normal day with a low of -5 and then a week later you'll be in -20 weather that feels like -30. I'm telling you, you will freeze being out more than 5 minutes. It's insane. I mean it's not gonna stop me really but God, I wish it was warmer!

Almaghrib seminars are happening this weekend I think. Crazy. I love them. Ever since they started in Edmonton in 2009 I been hooked! I'm always hyping them up lol. They deserve to be hyped! So if you haven't heard of it, Almagrhib is a global Islamic Institute that holds weekend seminars all over the world. There's probably one in your city. They teach Islamic studies, so there will a seminar on Fiqh of Prayers, Marriage, even entertainment. Courses on Tazkiyyah, how to purify ones heart, Seerah, studying the life of Rasulallah (s) It's more than just what's halal and haraam. They show you how to incorporate Islam into your everyday life. I think what I love about it most is the environment of young muslims coming together to learn about their deen. Just the fact that they sacrifice their early mornings on a weekend to come learn. Some will even bring the babies lol. I don't see such a festive gathering of muslims other than Eid lol. But this is where it's at! And the instructors are funny lol. I'm not giving them enough credit but you gotta see it for yourself. And yeah, it is worth it. I'm telling you. Get someone to cover your shift on the weekend if you can and come, it's gonna be great iA. I feel like I've left apart of myself there when the seminar is finished :( It's a nice break from the chaos of everyday life lol.

A lot of life is about patience. and waiting. And hoping. I mean, you can only do so much and then the rest isn't up to you. Like exams for example. You can do your best studying, preparing. But once its time to write, and you hand it in, it isn't up to you anymore. You're at the mercy of whoever is grading those papers. And so you wait. Patiently hoping for the best lol.  And a lot of our time, we spend thinking, in our minds. No one lives in our minds the way we do. It's a whole different world up there. I don't think anything can drive us mad the way our thoughts can sometimes. I mean, you gotta make it a beautiful place. Don't let your thoughts control you. You gotta control your thoughts. Imagine it like this. Your mind is a home. And you are the one who lives there. Now imagine if unwanted guests started knocking at your door. If you wouldn't give them permission to enter, why would you allow unwanted thoughts to enter your mind? Like robbers, they'll probably enter the place, trash the place looking for valuables and run. Except these 'visitors' will come by and steal whatever happiness and hope you once had. And I'm telling you, they have no intentions of bringing anything back.

I've grown to love kind people. I noticed it's a rare thing these days. Everyone seems to be too busy to give someone the light of day. We're just all so preoccupied. Some of us can't even put down our phones when we have a conversation with someone. What happened to those whole hearted conversations, where people listened to each other. Forget that, some of us can't even hold eye contact when speaking to one another. Like, how have we become this awkward. It's like we're all in a rush to get somewhere. I mean yeah. All of us are heading straight for our graves. A little bit of common courtesy would help you when you get down there so relax a bit will you? Take time to smell the roses, to enjoy the moment, to say, Alhamdulillah, all praise is due to Allah. The one thing that people will regret in the next life is that they didn't spend enough time praising Allah. Even the people in Paradise will have this regret, and they already made it!

May Allah grant it for us, ameen x enjoy your night or day or whatever lol :)


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