I'm feelin it tonight

Feelin good tonight Alhamdulillah. Whenever I’m feelin like this I just wanna write and write. So you can tell when I’m not writing it’s cuz I’m not feeling it. I have to be overflowing with emotions to write. Or inspired. This one is gonna be so random haha

Man, I really love chocolate. The things I’d do for coffee and chocolate it’s actually scares me lol. I gotta get my fix in. Somehow. Yo. I got finals coming and I’m semi stressed for real. I’m always in a state of stress I noticed. Will there ever be relief?

I realized yes. But this life is not a place for rest. It’s a temporary place of existence. Millions have come and gone. And we don’t remember the half of their names. They’re just forgotten. They lived. They enjoyed and then died never to be remembered again. And that’ll be us. Soon.

I mean, we can use this is a positive way. Take from this life the best that we can. Make the best of what we have. Live a good life. A life that leaves a positive impact on the lives of others. Something of benefit, that can live on. I mean, our time in this life is short. But the good that we leave behind can last. And change future generations for the better. There’s a hadith that ties in perfectly for this.

The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity); knowledge which is beneficial; or a virtuous descendant who prays for him (the deceased).”
[Sahih Muslim]

I seen the most beautiful little boy today. God bless his soul. He came by to drop off a book in our masjid. I’d love to have a child whose heart was attached to the masjid. So you could imagine how I felt seeing him!

I was going for a ride yesterday to the eastside. I’m telling you, if the Outsiders can be filmed anywhere that would be the place. Brought back such good memories. I honestly love books. Probably more than I love people haha.

I spend way too much time by myself and I don’t mind it. The things I’d do for some peace and quiet haha. I definitely love company but solitude. Thats where its at. Cuz you gotta be all..wow I can’t even find the word. I mean I can’t be myself fully around people. It’s hard to explain..like if I’m the teacher, I gotta play the teacher role. If I’m the student, I gotta play the student role. If I’m the friend, I gotta play the friend role. If I’m the older sister, I gotta play the older sister role. I’m just tired of all these roles I gotta play. I just wanna be the me that I am without all these other contexts. And I can be that by myself.

What was I gonna say..I do wanna apologize for not keeping up with my weekly posts. Anytime I feel super stressed I can’t write. I have this like mental block. I’m not in the mood to share. I just wanna shut down and go into hiding haha. And I’m thankful for every reader who puts time into actually reading my stuff. I find that quite flattering. Like THANK YOU.

And I appreciate all the support and feedback, means a lot. The excitement i get when someone tells me what they thought about the blog, makes me so happy :) It’s funny how I can love someone a little more every time they show support its crazy. To all my day ones. Thankyou. And to all those that have recently stumbled across these, I love you the same. <3

Have a blessed night! And until next time iA. :)


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