Where do I start? I'm taking a break from studying to write a quick blog. How's everyone been doing? It's strange that I have people reading my stuff, and yet I never ask how ya'll are doin. I'm hoping well! Life get's stressful sometimes, but hey, you gotta hang in there. Good times are comin.
Been having neck pain for weeks now. I have this strange way of sleeping at night i guess because it just won't leave!! I stretch it out and everything but the feeling is still there. I use to go for walks tons but it's snowy out in Edmonton now so I gotta get into winter mode. Staying cosy and warm and at home lol.
My thoughts feel suffocated. Like a mental block. I've been eating way too much pizza lately and been drinking way too much coffee lol. What am I doing to myself. I got my water near by in case I get dehydrated alhamdulillah.
Water is such a blessing. Like for real if we think about it. People on the other side of the world have to travel kilometers just to get water, and then even still, the water is contaminated. And Alhamdulillah, all we gotta do is just go to store, or the kitchen for water, and it comes out already purified. It's crazy the things we take for granted! Don't feel bad that we have this luxury though, Allah loves when we are grateful and appreciate His favors. This whole life is a test. It may be that those who are unfortunate will have a better life than us in the next because of the patience they endured. You never actually know. So it's good to keep things in perspective.
Paradise. I hope it's somewhere we can all land in. It's crazy how we're all experiencing this 'life' thing together. This whole world. We're all on a journey together. We live and die. But we will all be given what we worked hard for. Some people say that all our sins have been forgiven already so all we have to do is believe. If that's the case, then why does Hell exist? A lot of people do horrendous crimes against humanity and injustice and die without ever facing a consequence in their lifetime, they just die. Would it be fair for this person to just get away with it? The way there is a justice system in this life, there is a supreme justice system in the coming life, and we will all be rewarded for whatever we worked hard for, good or evil.
Whoa got too deep there. I'm really craving a coffee right now but the weather is soo discouraging. I love French Vanilla mixed with hot chocolate. So much calories, buy hey, its exam season might as well!
And I have this obsession with cookies, man I wish I could just bake them on a daily so I wouldn't waste so much money lol. I LOVE COOKIES. It's a weakness of mine. I also have a weakness for kind people. Omg please just stay away from me haha jk. Come closer. But seriously tho, kind people are so rare these days. It's like no one has the time anymore to pay you a kind word, a decent compliment, like wow.
If you ever watched Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory with Mr. Wonka played by Gene Wilder you'll know what I'm talking about. He has these kind eyes, this patient kindness, this warmth about him that could melt your heart. I hope he's in a good place now. He just has this safe, fatherly presence about him. I could go on and on about why I love Willy Wonka but most of all it was his kindness of heart, just that calm, forbearing nature of his. Ugh I just cant <3
It's one of my favorite movies. Honestly tho, I have a love for classic and old films. Modern day movies are so vulgar I just avoid them you know? Back then the films were decent, with good morals. Now, even in a decent movie, they'll slip random scenes in there that's so like gross. Eww.
Even in the hectic life style we have, never forget the things that brighten your day. Like the people you love, and the fact that some know how to really make you laugh. Take time to enjoy your teas and coffees and the way it warms your insides after being in the cold for so long. Appreciate the warmth of your homes and beds. Appreciate every small thing that you usually take for granted. You're eyes, without them you wouldn't be able to see the beauty of this world and the people in it. Your ears, without them you wouldn't be able to hear the laughter of those you love, your heart, without it, you wouldn't know what love was..
Stay blessed and pray for me !! :)
Btw I'm almost at my first 10 K for this blog. Crazzyyy :))
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