
Showing posts from November, 2017


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Alhamdulillah I’m starting to like this weather we’re having. Edmonton weather is wack. First it’s all nice then it’s randomly cold out of nowhere. Almost slipped yesterday from the ice! Don't wanna lose more teeth aha. At one point in time I thought I wouldn’t make it this winter because of how cold it was lol. Was just preparing for my early death ha. But it’s better now. Imagine how people live on the streets in this weather Subhanallah. Thank God for heating. Thank God for homes. I found out this brilliant coffee that I’m in love with now. Man I'd walk in the cold for it. Peppermint coffee. I am dying. I don’t know what it is about mint but it has me feeling all types of ways. Had a thing for Aero mint chocolate for years. And remember the peppermint essential oils I was telling you about lol. The one that burned my face making it feel like it was on fire. I was on that for a bit till it ran out. Yo that stuff is expensive. For a small bottl...


Been two weeks since I wrote a blog. Crazy weeks it's been. Haven't felt like myself tbh. Midterms and I just started working at this new place this month so everything is just piling on top of each other. I can't be too creative when I'm stressed aha. Where do I start? I'm taking a break from studying to write a quick blog.  How's everyone been doing? It's strange that I have people reading my stuff, and yet I never ask how ya'll are doin. I'm hoping well! Life get's stressful sometimes, but hey, you gotta hang in there. Good times are comin. Been having neck pain for weeks now. I have this strange way of sleeping at night i guess because it just won't leave!! I stretch it out and everything but the feeling is still there. I use to go for walks tons but it's snowy out in Edmonton now so I gotta get into winter mode. Staying cosy and warm and at home lol. My thoughts feel suffocated. Like a mental block. I've been eating way to...


So I'm here. Drowning in memories. Days I miss but wouldn't want back. It's hard to explain. I put too much heart into things at times. I can give more than I have. It's strange, the lengths I'd go. I think that's one of my weaknesses. Loving too much.  Funny cuz you'd think that's a good thing but it's not. Moderation. I have to learn that lol. Life is so much more exciting when you have something to love, something to work towards, hope. The feeling you get when you plan to do something exciting but you can't remember what that thing was. The anticipation.  I love looking forward to things, even if it's something simple like getting a coffee, watching a movie with friends, going to bed early lol..makes days so much more tolerable. They say dreams are what make life more tolerable. I believe that to be true. Imagine a life without dreams..Dry ah. Insane. Good thing we got nights for that haha. I'm way too much in thought.  I wish...