بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Alhamdulillah I’m starting to like this weather we’re having. Edmonton weather is wack. First it’s all nice then it’s randomly cold out of nowhere. Almost slipped yesterday from the ice! Don't wanna lose more teeth aha. At one point in time I thought I wouldn’t make it this winter because of how cold it was lol. Was just preparing for my early death ha. But it’s better now. Imagine how people live on the streets in this weather Subhanallah. Thank God for heating. Thank God for homes. I found out this brilliant coffee that I’m in love with now. Man I'd walk in the cold for it. Peppermint coffee. I am dying. I don’t know what it is about mint but it has me feeling all types of ways. Had a thing for Aero mint chocolate for years. And remember the peppermint essential oils I was telling you about lol. The one that burned my face making it feel like it was on fire. I was on that for a bit till it ran out. Yo that stuff is expensive. For a small bottl...