My hearts longing

If there's anything I've learned its that our daily salawaat have a huge effect on our well bieng and happiness. One prayer badly prayed can mess up your whole day. Its crazy. You might think, oh, its just one prayer...but that prayer is a pillar for you. Its the thing that supports you and holds you up spiritually and emotionally and if we prayed right our everything would be right. Our mood would be balanced, we'd be happy, the patience would be there, our emotional health would be good too.

I've noticed within myself that when Im not praying my state of mind is different than when I am praying. My level of self worth also changes, my drive and motivation is different too.

See when Im praying and doing my best to do them on time and everything I feel grounded and balanced. My mental state is a healthy one, things dont get to me as much, I can brush off minor and major annoyances.. My minset is expanded so if things dont work out I know I have other options, Im more in an abundant state of mind and my patience is there. And even when things dont go my way I can deal with it and know maybe there's a  better something out there instead.

But when Im not praying or when Im not praying right, my state of mind and my well being and my patience all become restricted and narrow and things just dont go the way I want them to. Even the way I perceive things is different. I take things personally, I get easily offended, I always feel like Im being targeted so my suspicions are kinda out of line. Just the way I see things become different. The usual compassion and understanding crumbles and instead Im on defense mode taking things personally and not objectively. And now the opinions of the people matter and Im super self conscious and its just a nightmare. In this state of mind, its terrible because everything is focused on me..when before it was more of a generous "care about other people" kinda thing. And now Im just self centered. Which defeats the pursuit of happiness because the more you are self centered the less happy you'll really be. And Ive learned that the more you focus on others and helping them out instead of always yourself the more happy you'll be.

Deep down, I think it depends on a persons spiritual being on whether they'll be happy or not. I mean really happy. Not the fake happy you see on social media. Im talking the real happy even when no ones watching..

And Salaah, if done properly gives you that. Salaah is more than reciting Quran, bowing and prostrating. Its a chance for you to finally immerse your mind and heart in the remembrance of Allah, Allah the one who created us and everything around us. Its a time we take the focus off of ourselves. Its a chance for us to communicate to Allah and turn our focus on him the one who deserves our avid attention. And its great because thats when your giving your heart what it always needed. The remembrance of Allah. 

You know, we yearn for soo many things. We yearn for love, compassion, understanding, attention, companionship, we yearn to be appreciated and seen as significant, to want to feel like we matter, to be recognized... And to get that, we look in all the strangest directions. Whether its through relationships, or through profession, or through self glorification, whatever it is, its the heart looking for something it needs so badly. And its okay to have all these things but its becomes a problem when we obsess over them..Some of us make our relationship, career, and whatever else our whole lives and we just cant stop thinking about that thing that gives our life meaning and value...and we cant stop thinking and fearing over what we would do if we lost it...

In a sense this is the heart looking for its real ilaah. Its real Lord. But we've chosen the wrong things as our lord to worship, in a sense anything we obsess over, we worship. Seriously. Because it is Allah who deserves that kind and level of love and attention and reverence.

So, yes, we're looking in the wrong direction. But honestly tho, if we took our hearts whole heartedly to the remembrance of its lord it would recognize that yes, this is its true lord. And it would find all that is was looking for. It will find the love it always wanted and the sense of self worth and no more would it turn to people and things to feel whole and would feel content and happy and in longing to finally meet its creator. Wallah its a beautiful feelings. Wallah.

The prayers play a huge role in a persons life. It shapes the individual, starting with the heart and then  goes outward manifesting itself in the character and actions of the person because it all starts with the heart. The prayers help perfect a persons character because, if prayed right, would prevent him from indecent actions and it would help keep him focused on the things that matter. And his state of mind begins to change from once being narrow and limited to being vast and abundant. He knows Allah is his Lord and that Allah is able to do all things, so what can he not have as his own? His faith would widen for him his hopes and aspirations and with the help of Allah he knows he can do anything and get anything he wants without a doubt.


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