
Showing posts from March, 2015


Relationships. One of the hottest topics out there. Its always about finding true love and the perfect mate. You know,finding that person that'll sweep you off your feet..But Im starting to think that maybe, just maybe that's a little too much pressure to put on one person. To expect that they are going to make you happy and know the right things to do, all the time to keep you happy.  But how about we learned the right things to do to keep a healthy happy relationships. How about, for once we look to ourselves and ask, "what do I do for this relationship?" I mean the attention cant always be put on the other person..they might not always be there doing those " right" things when you need them to.. And another thing I realized is people, most of time I mean, will only give back to you what you give to them. Yeah randomly you'll meet an exceptionally nice person and wonder what you did to get such nice treatment. But that wouldn't be a norm...


Bismillaah Its only been a day or two since I last wrote but it feels like forever.. I don't know where I should start, should I start with the crazy dreams I've getting lately or the hell I've been through this week or why I've been through all of this this week pin pointing where exactly I went wrong..haha there's so much I learned this week its crazy and hey maybe it might benefit a few I don't know, but I definitely have to document this so I don't make the same mistake again. It all began last Thursday evening. Thursday day actually. As usual I had a lesson to prepare for during mid day. The time I'd be having my nap. But foolishly I decided you know what, theres not enough time anyways so I'll rest after the lesson, which was after asr. So exhausted as I was I did the lesson, my eyes dying because I didn't sleep the night before so I was just dragging myself through the day it was crazy haha. So hamdulillah. The lessons over and its tim...

My hearts longing

If there's anything I've learned its that our daily salawaat have a huge effect on our well bieng and happiness. One prayer badly prayed can mess up your whole day. Its crazy. You might think, oh, its just one prayer...but that prayer is a pillar for you. Its the thing that supports you and holds you up spiritually and emotionally and if we prayed right our everything would be right. Our mood would be balanced, we'd be happy, the patience would be there, our emotional health would be good too. I've noticed within myself that when Im not praying my state of mind is different than when I am praying. My level of self worth also changes, my drive and motivation is different too. See when Im praying and doing my best to do them on time and everything I feel grounded and balanced. My mental state is a healthy one, things dont get to me as much, I can brush off minor and major annoyances.. My minset is expanded so if things dont work out I know I have other options, Im mo...


Hamdulillah for a thing called blogger. You know sometimes I feel there's so much inside of me that I need to vent it all out. I dont think I can go a day without sharing my thoughts on something I just cant. I dont know how some people manage to keep it all inside...I have a sister whose very introverted and whose got alot of great  insights. But she rarely speaks on them unless asked or from a spur of the moment and I asked her, how do you do it. How do yo manage to keep everything inside...? And then she gives me her reasons. One of them being judgement. Her fear of being judged or having her thoughts misjudged and that reason totally didnt enter my mind. And I thought, do I fear it too? And I realized. That yes. I do. Sometimes, when I share my feelings to a certain audience I fear I will be judged..So I find another channel. Its strange. Like if a group of people already have an idea of who you are it would be strange if you decided to also show them this other side to ...


If there's anything Ive noticed about myself. Its that Im attracted to the melancholy. And I dont know why. Its like Im pulled towards it, or maybe Im the one who pulls myself in that direction. It seems appealing and inviting. If you asked me to pick a place to choose from I'd most likely pick the dark desolate one. Ironic because if you seen me you'd think I was a very happy person. But yet Im attracted to darkness and gloom. Its strange. Even when it comes to people. I will always find a person who apears to be holding back pain more attractive than the one who is appears to be happy. A person whose been through alot but they mask it perfectly well..This person I'd find intriguing. From an outsiders point of view you'd think they look fine. But if you look closely you'd see something else, a person yearning for comfort, and a means to have the burdens removed. You'd see in their expression a kind of holding back, like a person who wishes to cry bu...