Ramadan 2014 Reflections


My Ramadan Reflections

With more than two weeks of fasting and putting effort into doing good and avoiding evil, Ive learned a few things.

1) Dreams

Ive noticed the dreams of others and even myself have developed, with clarity and deep meaning. You know sometimes we have these jumbled up, make no sense dreams...or dreams we cant remember. Well. Things have been different this month. Because the dreams CAN be remembered, and they have spiritual meanings, and they are clear, atleast more clear than other times of the year. And Ive come to a conclusion. Our level of obedience and disobedience to Allah greatly affect the quality of our dreams. That the transgressions we do may be the reason we cannot remember our dreams...Because in the month of Ramadan, we spend large portions of our day in the obedience to Allah, at least we should be...Were fasting. And this fast, is helping remove from us our trangressions and the affect of our evil actions. Were focussing more on the spiritual parts of us, and abstaining from what makes us thrive in the physical sense, with eating and drinking and intimacy and what not. The focus is now on the spirit, as we deprive the body of what it needs in order to give the spirit what it needs...The remembrance of Allah.

Not to mention the Qur'an we would read in this month is more frequent than any other month. Some of us complete it once or twice or thrice.  So were getting a good dose of spiritual medicine: The Qur'an. And the Qur'an my friends, IS medicine. For the sick minds, hearts and bodies. So whatever sickness lies in the heart that causing to be cut off from the spiritual realm, is being washed away so we can come anew and alive, when it was once dead.

I always thought fasting took more than it gave, and boy was I wrong. Alhamdulillaah we have the Month of Ramadan to rectify our selves to becoming better people.


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