Women and their Needs


Forgive me. I havent written anything in the longest time. :( Insha Allah I will do my best to atleast write something everyday or second day.

Women. I can say we are very sensitive creatures. Sensitive but at the same time Strong. Hopefully atleast. There is a few things that one can do to make a woman happy.

1) Respect Her

Men are not the only ones that crave respect you know. Women do too. Its a big thing for her. And its doing those simple things like listening to her when she speaks to you and by taking what she has to say seriously. Sometimes we push aside what they may say because it seems illogical or emotional. But behind those tears or anger haha is a deeper message. Hopefully you will be able to understand. Which brings me to the second point.

2) Understand her Subtle Clues

Women, atleast the ones I know are subtle, in regards to their needs. Lets say she is craving something sweet. She'll say something like, "I havent had chocolate in the longest time.." But she not trying to show how long she can go without chocolate for. She's telling you she wants chocolate and she wants it now. Just like men, we do not like rejection. So were not gonna say it right out what we want. We will give you clues. Some women will tell you straightout, but thats not always the case. Women will sometimes just speak with their eyes to let you know what they want as well. And you probably know what I mean. Just be the one to understand please. But if those subtle hints dont go through we may have be a little more direct.

3) Admiration and Attention

We love to be admired. So say what you have to say. And let us go shopping when we want to buy something nice. At the end of the day, its out husbands we want to make happy. And looking good is key to bring your man happiness. I mean they are visual creatures. And not every woman dresses up to show off to other women. Some women have the sole purpose of dressing up strictly for their husbands, not even for themselves!  So let us go shopping when we want to. You dont have to go in the mall either. I can understand the Fitnah.

5) Affection

Show her you care. This will open her heart upto to you and when that happens she'll do anything to make you happy. You can do this by those simple things, like showing concern for her when she's in a difficult time. Or by making dua for her. Even by showing her you remembered but getting her a candy bar on your way home. Just show her your thinking about her. You dont necessarily have to say "I love you" Although that would be nice. Showing it is just as strong too.


I capitilized that for a reason. Husbands do not expect to just come home and immediately approach your wives. That doesnt happen except in the wild. Im sorry to tell you this, but if you desire phyasical intimacy with her you need to engage in emotional intimacy first. Its like trying to bend hardened plastic. It will only break. But if you apply heat to it first then it can easy bend to your will. A woman works the same way almost. The best way to get her engaged is conversation. Not the sad type of convo where you talk about the weather. But the kind of conversation that is deep and vulnerable where you can almost see through each other souls. That type. Which reminds me of the next thing.

7) Court Her Throughout the Day

Im sorry but this may be a little awkward to explain. But I think it may be of some benefit. I am fasting today so I will keep it decent Insha Allah. I came across this book that talked about Marriage. And those things that would make it fall apart. But this one thing brought couple back together. And that was Intimacy. But this is the thing though. There's a few things needed to make it enjoyable and that is Anticipation. Both have to be anticipating it so either person has to drop hints throughout the day. The husband must, if he plans anything in the evening, give subtle hints to his wife in the morning and throughout the day, so not only will she be able to get ready, But will have the meeting with him in her mind. I geuss its all about the mind set for women. If that was the farthest thing from your mind, then how can things be fun when out of the blue you have this duty to fulfill. Ofcourse wives must always be ready, but emotionally preparing her is very considerate and it might make things easy for her. Who knows. So husbands do what you have to do. Give her  quick message, or leave a card under her pillow or something. Just anything. So long as the suspense is alive.


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