My Motivators

I noticed something very interesting. You know how there's people out there that we love? Like they seem to be so awesome, and your always enthusaistic to see or hear from them. They can be a really awesome speaker, or poet, designer, or humanitarian activist, or anything. And you just really love them. There's something that can be taken from them, a new inspiration or something to learn from. And you think, what makes these people so lovable and awesome. And I thnk I just realized what it is.

These people are awesome because they do what they do, and they do a really great job at doing it. They put their hearts into it, they show that life has meaning. And it can even be a simple thing. Like talking. But they'll talk really well. And its delivered with passion, and you can see they really love what their doing. And it makes you love it too.And I think the spirit they put into their job is what makes them stand out. Its these people that motivate me.


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