We forgot..
There's a world of evil out there that we know noting about. The beautiful thing is Allah wishes for us to be saved from that world. Its not about committing sins. Allah forgives all sins. Its about our heart. In whose hands do we leave it. Were fooled into thinking that were warned against evil just because its evil. But were warned because evil leads to evil. But Allah wishes us to make it the home coming. He wishes for us to come to the home he's prepared for us. Allah loves to meet that love to meet him. But we've forgotten about this along the way.. And that's because the creatures that dont sleep watch us from a place we cannot see. Them and their tribe. And they work tirelessy to lead us with them to their final abode. They've given up hope. And they want us to give up of hope too. Its not about the sins. They want us to commit sins so we can feel hopeless. And once we do, we give up and they become the master of our hearts. Its our heart they want ful...