Do angels exist?
Aqeedah 401: Assignment Q uestion: Modern theories reject the concept of angels as fairy tales. Refute this theory utilizing both revelation and logic. Some of us won’t believe in a thing unseen unless its supported by science. Many tend to believe that if we cannot see it, if we cannot touch it, it simply does not exist. Which is not true. When it comes to Islam, seeking knowledge is a must, as it will strengthen ones faith as it only confirm what Qur’an teaches. Knowledge is meant to lead up to the conclusion; there is no deity worthy to be worshipped except Allah. There are somethings we will never fully understand, and we leave that to Allah, putting our trust in him as he is the All-knowing. When a Muslim is ordered to believe in something, he believes. We are also commanded to seek knowledge as blind faith can only lead you far, and being ignorant can make one target for shaytan as he can sow seeds of doubt in the mind regarding faith. Due to advanc...