But she was pretty..
It takes more than beauty and appeal to keep a relationship going. You wouldn't think that nowadays considering how many people are investing their time and money into these expensive beauty products to make themselves more “attractive.” Of course makeup and self grooming are essential deal breakers. But is that the only important thing? If we as people put more time in investing in perfecting our inner realities we would excel as people, and our relationships would be the proof of that. In fact this excessive amount of outer beautification is a bit damaging. Not only does it corrode at the person’s self esteem when they are not wearing the foundation or other make-up, you will begin to see a narcissistic image playing out. Some women do this thing where no matter how much attention they are given, they are not satisfied. It as if the world should stand and gaze at their beauty for them to feel at ease. Yes, we get it, you’re gorgeous, but the whole world doesn’t need ...